The Blessings Flow as Partners share in the
anointing of ROSE Ministries / CLEAR Vision Television.
We boast the goodness of God and the favor
He gives making us over-comers of all circumstances
that are against His People and rob us of the Blessings!
“And immediately in the synagogues he
(Saul) proclaimed Jesus, saying,
He is the Son of God!
(Acts 9:20)
Abundant praises
for our
Abundant Lord!
Dear Rose — my life, my mind was a shambles when I first called your ministry for prayer and help. My blood pressure was high enough for a stroke. When your prayer Partner prayed the Word of God over me immediately my body relaxed. Peace like I have never known flooded over me. I could think clear. And if that all isn’t enough, my boss called me in and offered me a raise in pay and promotion. I thank God for His power and love. And I thank you for the tireless hours you pray and make yourself available to us all TEACHING Almighty GOD in HIS LOVE AND WORD. You are the real deal Rose. Please increase and double my sowing each month to the LORD so many more can see the great love and goodness of God. ROSE Ministries is truly the finest — Amy, CA
When I first saw Rose on CLEAR Vision program on CTN, I thought — “Who in the world is that outrageous lady?” But as I watched and listened I heard the love of God pouring like never before or since. Rose thank you for showing me the real Jesus — the real Jesus of love I hadn’t ever seen before. My heart is so full to know Him more. Thank you. How can I get every book, CD, DVD and teaching of your ministry of such great love of Jesus? — Joyce, FL