Today’s Scripture “Therefore, there is now no condemnation “I have you carved in the Palms of My Hands” Trust In Dear One, Our big 175 lb dog Sarah knows she must not get into trash in the house or on the farm. But let her be alone on the farm or in the house the “big dog” dark side of Sarah takes over. For food in the trash — temptation is great. If a dead animal is laying on the farm — off Sarah goes! A while back I saw her outside trotting by the kitchen window! Her mouth was clinched on a huge dead Ground Hog as she pranced proudly by! I got alarmed, but I quickly got past it. Just as I was about to go after her, Sarah kept her distance, but she could see me. When I finally reached her, her tail was between her legs, her ears drooping. She thinks I’m mad at her. She doesn’t know I’ve already dealt with her “big dog” mistake! You might be asking — “ROSE, what is so bad about Sarah carrying around a 20 pound dead Ground Hog?” Beloved, somewhere, sometime, you got tangled in 50 pounds of dead garbage! You started carrying around that dead garbage! You’ve been avoiding God. You wonder if you could ever feel close to God again? You hid from God? Yes! You really thought God couldn’t see you! Funny isn’t it! The longer you carried that dead garbage, the more stinky it became! The more chance you got of getting diseased, sick. The message of Jesus, His torn flesh on the Cross is simply — “You can”! His Throne Room seat is your seat. You got up from your Victory Seat next to Jesus to go look at the garbage! God was with you while you looked! Never trust garbage. Trust The Cross. You are to simply sit back down with Jesus, because you are always in God’s Presence! Beloved, trust in Him today! Rest! He’s already dealt with your garbage! Rest! He’s not mad at you! Trust in Him! In Jesus’ Name,