First!  God’s Wild Faith comes!  First before your precious feet touch the floor from bed, set your day!  Speak out loud His Joy, His Wild Love-Grace!  Your focus sets on LORD God Almighty, on Jesus richest, miraculous Wild Love!  You can — NEVER AGREE FEAR TO HALT YOU!

“For God has not given us a spirit
of fear and timidity, but of power,
love, and self-discipline”
                                       (2 Timothy 1:7)

Never Agree
Fear to Halt You

(First thing daily confession for one week)

Thank You Father God I have Your Spirit of power, love, self-discipline!  You expect me to continually progress — to never agree with the spirit of fear, timidity!  YES!  You expect me to powerfully reach highest heights — going higher!  Your newer levels of power, love, self-discipline are always mine.  Yes!

Still Father, the very second I step high making decisions in faith obeying You LORD — the enemy rushes to hand me his worst “Fear” Party invitation!  All “Doubt-Threat” invitations try to stop me from Your Wild Love-Word — Your Great plans!

LORD, thank You for clearly identifying the enemy monster devil!  All deadly thoughts can only try to halt me saying — “You may fail?  What will people think?  You don’t have what it takes?  You’re not good enough?!”  LORD, all are deadly manipulations of the monster devil!  — Yes, even well meaning people agree to speak fearful, defeating, death words.

Father God — this week, You protect me from going to any “Fear” Parties!  — I am convinced!   Never will I fall back stuck in same ole-same ole deadly places.  Your powerful Word clearly says — “fear is a spirit”.  Yes!  You have taught me the monster devil is “The Lying Condemner”!  In Your Perfect Love LORD — I am free forever from condemnation — the spirit of fear!

Yes LORD, the monster enemy tries to play my emotions like an out of tune fine violin.  Thank You God You keep my emotions fine tuned with Your Great Good News — Wild Love-Grace-Joy!  Right now LORD, You are smiling, laughing!  Yes!  Your joy — Your powerful Spirit — of Power-Love-Self-discipline is in me — far away from fear!

LORD, thank You for saying — “Perfect Love casts (throws) out all fear”.   I have Jesus — I have Your Perfect Love!

Father, Your confidence is in me, my future!  I know — “All Your plans are only good, for my good” (Jeremiah 29:11).  LORD, thank You for gloriously teaching me “fear” is an acronym word meaning “False Evidence Appearing Real”.  You taught me to understand — to recognize, to identify — “false evidence that appears real”!  Thank You Father God You know the finish!

— Yes, “fear is a lie”.  Today Father God — I refuse lies, false evidence!  I choose only You — I believe only Your Word!

Yes, today, every day — together we continuously go to higher, newer levels — equipped with Your Spirit fused in my spirit of power, love, self-discipline — with the sound Wise Mind of Christ.  Thank You LORD!  In Your confidence, in Your Wild Love-Grace — all fear is halted! — Your Wild Love Force — forever, peacefully presses me on in Our Victory together —


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ROSE Ministries / CHAMPION Way Farms
Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310