First! God’s extravagant Love -Faith comes! First — before your precious feet touch the floor from bed, set your day! First —speak out His Joy, His Love-Grace! Your focus sets on LORD God Almighty, on Jesus richest, miraculous Love! First with Father God — today — speak PRAISE PRAYERS Praise Prayers
Father God — how is it statistics show one in five unbelievers pray daily in unbelief? To who, why are they praying just in case — making sure a base is covered? Yes, I know some people exceed in Praise Prayers. They are the Black Hawk Air Military Team of intercession — Praising Praying.
Father, thank You Our spirits never sleep — yet, while bodies sleep Our spirits Praise Pray! Everybody, non-believers and believers all pray somehow. Father God, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray — He gave them a Praise Prayer — never a lecture or seminar on prayer. He gave His disciples a speaking, quotable — repeatable — easy Praise Prayer. Simply Jesus told them to praise saying — “Father, You are good. You are my most vital necessity. Thank You for healing me — richly loving me, forgiving me. They need You. Thank You for forgiving them, richly loving them — healing them. I love You. Thank You — In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” Father God — I expect this simple Praise Prayer is a glory to You every day! Father God it is never a challenge from You — to Praise Pray worshipping You! I know you hear me before I speak (Psalms 139) LORD, today I am permanently signing on with You every day for 7 weeks — Praising You 7 minutes each day. I am ready! I am with You LORD God in Praise Prayers! No longer will I be a prayer boss, wimp, crier, kicker, yeller! Too many years my prayers zipped — down, up — then zipped down, up again. I am thankful Praise Prayers are Your finest tune up prayers! Thank You Father God for Your simple plan — inviting me to 7 minutes each day — 7 weeks with You in complete forever change! Father, every day for 7 weeks, 7 minutes each day — I will Praise Pray with You — focused on You with these simple base elements of Praise Prayer — “Father — Thank You! You are always good. I have You as my most vital necessity. Thank You for healing me — richly loving me, forgiving me. They need You. Thank You for forgiving them, richly loving them — healing them. I love You. Thank You — In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” LORD — So simple. Really simple! Talking with You — listening to You God — hearing You! Never complicated — complex. Your power is in Your rich Love Words of Praise Prayers! Yes! I am in You — You are in me! Yes! You are The One Who hears me as Your Beloved Praise Praying with You! Yes! You are my LORD God Almighty Who always speaks Your richest Love Words through me — Praise Praying! BLESSINGS POURING – Write / Call / or
ROSE Ministries / CHAMPION Way Farms
Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310