First!  God’s Wild Faith comes!  First before your precious feet touch the floor from bed, set your day!  First, speak out His Joy, His Wild Love-Grace!  First, your focus sets on LORD God Almighty, on Jesus richest, miraculous Wild Love!  Father God — today I choose —  JESUS’ MINDSET

“In your relationships with one another,
have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”

(Philippians 2:5)

Jesus’ Mindset
(First thing daily confession for one week)

     Thank You LORD for teaching me saying —  “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). Thank You Almighty God for giving me Jesus’ mindset — a victorious attitude — His Wise Mind!

LORD, that ole mountain saying — “altitude comes by attitude” reminds me how crucial attitude and altitude are!  I clearly see LORD how Your positive, faith-filled loving attitude causes me to keep rising higher and higher in life!  I clearly see how an evil selfish, negative, self-defeated attitude only crashes me to the ground.

Yes LORD — when bad, mean attitudes — harmful talk try to face me — my attitude in You affects the outcome.  Thank You today — I am going to treat people right like You do even when I am being mistreated!  With Your Love I clearly stay full of joy even when those shiney-hiney bottoms show their self — even when all hair seems to be falling out!

Father God, so many people stay all twisted out of shape — even to the place of death, destruction!  I hear them complaining when they don’t understand things — whining when things don’t go their way — condemning when they mis-understand!  I see these kinds of attitudes shutting, slamming doors to Your  miracle-working power.

Your Word says faith pleases You God.  Help us all understand You LORD — Jesus’ mindset!  Yes!  You are always diligently, faithfully working for our good in our lives.  LORD — each new day You greater prepare me for promotions — telling me to stay seated by Your side — watching You work.  With You Father — I sit strong in Your Love — watching You fight that good fight of faith with me!

For any difficult relationships today Father — I stay seated next to You!  You keep me in a joyful attitude of faith — expecting.  Thank You for keeping me — leading me — directing me to the other side!  In the Wise Mind of Christ I am sitting with You strong!  Thank You, I rise higher and higher like an eagle — soaring stronger — wiser — enjoying experiencing Your richest abundant life You have for me!

Almighty Father God — today thankfully I choose only You!  I choose Your positive, faith-filled, loving attitude.  I choose to bless You LORD — to be Your blessing!  I choose — to be richly blessed by You!  Joyfully trusting You LORD is thrilling!  My natural mind thinking stays bowed, honoring You under my Wise Mind of Christ You have given me.

Yes!  My attitude is only for Your good plans for me!  Your trust in me Father God — takes me to Your highest altitudes far beyond my dreams.  — You are always working all things for my good in Jesus’ mindset  — In Jesus’ Name.  Amen



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Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310