God’s Great Faith comes first — before your precious feet touch the floor from bed — you speak His Joy, His Love, His Word. Throughout your day your focus will stay on your Great LORD God Almighty, on Jesus — His richest, miraculous Wild Love! — LOVE-GRACE — STANDS — for you! Love-Grace – Stands
“Jesus took all my
sickness, diseases …” (Isaiah 53)
Jesus stood up from that cold dark grave, standing in God’s Wild — turn-me-upside-down Love-Grace stooping — standing for me! 40 years ago, diagnosed with deadly hepatitis, cancer — fear overcame me! I asked doctors — what is happening to me? Doctors said — “ROSE, you are burning up the interior of your heart, your mind, your body with fear!” Then they asked did I know what was bothering me — how I thought fear, voodoo, curses worked? They explained that fears work by belief — then the body responds by becoming sick! I had never thought I was fearful? — Suddenly, I saw every waking moment of my life was a fearful battle of something — fear of disapproval, failing, rejection — fear of the dark, of dying! Now my body was raging with deadly hepatitis, cancer! Doctors said without surgery for the cancer — I wouldn’t live a year!
Well, here was a first opportunity to begin stopping deadly fear! Bravely I said — “Thank you, I’ll decide about this” — thinking about my three little daughters, and Jesus Who I had just taken into my heart as Savior and LORD! Quickly, I agreed with God’s Healing Love — fear of dying ran, all fear ran! Complete healing came! As you read this — let’s now put you in the picture! Start with me today praising God His Power Words of Jesus Perfect Wild Love always throws out all fear — say with me — LORD God, You expect Your Wild, Divine Healing Love flushes out — all sickness, hepatitis, cancer, diabetes, heart trouble, kidney failure, every known, unknown diseases, all fear, worry, doubt, depression — raging in my body, organs, blood, bones, hair, skin, cells — mind, thinking — life? God smiles! YES Beloved! That’s My Great Divine Plan!” LORD, since You have taken over my body, my life — now take Your blowtorch of Wild Love-Grace to my life of greed, un-forgiveness, selfishness, superiority, shame, self-security, guilt? God smiles! “YES Beloved — that is exactly right what I’m about to do! I am willing, well able to do all doctors can or can’t do — and far far more (Ephesians 3:20)! I AM Divine Healing Love!” “My Perfect Love Jesus forever delivered you out of all fear — delivered you forever into Me — Perfect Love casts out all fear! I gave you a new body, new mind, new life in Me!” Love-Grace stand forever! BLESSINGS POURING –
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ROSE Ministries / CHAMPION Way Farms
Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310