Your weekly confession POWER WORDS Scriptures — inspiring nuggets — are yours from Almighty God to love, encourage, uplift — propel you higher in your dynamic walk with Him!  Spoken by you out loud first thing daily — every spoken word strengthens your faith.  SPEAK — feed your mind, heart, life these power Scriptures to think on all week long.  

(First thing daily confession for one week)

LORD, I am Your Ambassador of Christ!  I am sent by You to bring You and Your Love into this Earth.  You command me to speak — be strong and courageous — never be afraid — or dismayed: for You O LORD my God are always with me wherever I go.  You help me understand that my courage is divinely connected to my focus on Jesus.
I fear nothing — I know Jesus is with me at all times.  I fear (respect) You LORD — respect releases Your grace — is the beginning of wisdom — I have Your good understanding that as I speak, doing Your commandments — blessings and Your praise goes on forever.  Thank You for teaching me to respect You LORD.  And respect means to reverence, honor, and speak You God and Your Word.  Now, I speak — I respect You, myself, and others as I walk in reverence, honor of You O LORD and Your Word — Your power is released — operates in my life (Joshua 1:9; Psalms 111:10)
Your powerful spoken love sent Jesus.  Your spoken love Jesus manifested — Your spoken love toward me is manifested.  Because You O God spoke, sending Your only precious Son into the world — I now live a rich, abundant life, far beyond my dreams.  Thank You God that Your love for me is so extravagant.  You spoke, sending Your only Son to die — to live — to take away all my sins.  My spoken faith in Jesus forever gives me Your eternal life.
I speak today — sin’s power has been forever broken off my life.  Sin no longer has any dominion over me — I am no longer under the law — I am forever under Your grace.  Yes LORD, my spirit was re-created, fused into Your Spirit — I am never again subject to the law of Moses.  You have forever empowered me to now live Your glorious, victorious, rich life on this Earth through Your great and mighty grace.  Thank You for freely, forever giving me life through Jesus Christ (John 10:10; 1 John 4:9;  Romans 6:14)



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ROSE Ministries / CHAMPION Way Farms
Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310