Speaking Life Power

“The tongue has the power of life and death …”
(Proverbs 18:21)

God has given every person amazing, unlimited power (authority) through words we speak.  Where do you want to be in life today?  Maybe you are really struggling daily to get to where you want to be in life?  And all because of powerful, careless, negative, destructive, death tagged words you have spoken and keep speaking — careless words you have spoken over yourself, over others, over your life in the past?

We have all carelessly spoken negative words of defeat and killer death saying things like — “Pastor ROSE, I’ll never make it!  I can’t rise any higher!  This is as far as I can go”?  Or maybe you say or have said things like — “ROSE, I’ll never be able to break this addiction”.  “I’ve been like this far too long now.  Life is just too hard.  Things never change for me!”  Or maybe you say seemingly innocent things like — “My feet are just killing me”.  “This economy scares me to death”.  “I’d rather be dead than forgive that sorry “so n so””.  “One of these days, if I live long enough, my ship will come in”.  “I wish the LORD would just take me out of my misery right now”.  “I have no job, no money, no joy, no hope”.   “I keep praying, but nothing is happening!”

Beloved, stop, stop, and stop — right now, today!  Stop those death words now!  Those death words set you up to reap — keep reaping — and keep eating the fruit of every negative, careless, death word seeds you sow.  Get un-stuck, out of the same ole discouraging, negative, hopeless place.  Every word you speak is a seed you sow — negative or positive — life or blessings — death or curses — love or faith — doubt or hate —!  I know you are you ready to speak life and blessings!

Today, keep speaking only the favor, love and victory that Almighty LORD God speaks over your life!  Watch Him start changing situations, circumstances — in your most blessed life He has give you!  Start immediately right now today — change what you say — 

     1.   Change sowing the seeds of “death charged” words, speaking
about disturbing situations and circumstances in your life —

     2.   To reap a different harvest in your life — sow different seeds —
     3.   Sow only seeds of “Life Charged” words — speak only
“Life Charged” words of LORD God over your day, yourself,
over your amazing future —
being a blessing over the lives of others —  

     4.   Make your attitude, your words always be Almighty
God’s Words — speak only His “Life Charged” power words
of love and victory —
never words of  “death charged” defeat, despair, hate, worry, doubt — 

Start saying out loud with me today — “Yes LORD, the negative, lacking, defeated way things have been in my past will never again be in my life — my life has changed today.  I’m rising higher in You.  Every feeling, every word of sickness, weakness, lack, doubt, defeat, death be gone now from my life into the sea!”  My “Life Charged” words are — “In my Jesus, I am strong — I am most blessed — I am healed — I have no lack — I am focused on Your Words LORD God Almighty!  I live the victorious, blessing, healing ways You talk to me and You talk about me.”

Beloved, as you sow unlimited God’s amazing unlimited healing words of Life — you keep reaping in His unlimited harvest of Life blessings far beyond your dreams!  You keep going forward, rising higher and higher — reaping in His goodness!  You keep rising up in the great victories Almighty LORD God already has for you!  Today, speak only His “Life Charged” power — never again speak  “death charged” defeat!  Yes, your tongue has the power of life and death —

     “Today, Almighty Father God, I repent for my tongue speaking death words — for sowing defeat in my own life and the lives of others.  Thank You LORD for your forgiveness!  I forgive myself!  I expect You now to uproot all negative crops of words from the past!  Help me LORD to speak only Your richest Words of life, of faith, of love — Your powerful Life Charged Words!  I require to walk only in Your victory!  I expect Your richest blessings with You in every area of my life!  I expect to be Your richest blessing” —

In Jesus’ Name,

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