GOD WISDOM ACCELERATION! Yes! You were Son Set FREE indeed! — Living, breathing free — from defeat, despair, sickness, financial lack (Galatians 5:13). Do you know you were set free from anger — hate — world ways thinking?
YES! You were Set FREE to think, speak, act — SON living free — un-limited blessed in all LOVE, joy, calm, confidence, strength — courage — peace — living “easy” (simple, painless, smooth)!
God expects to accelerate you living “easy”! Be still — hear JESUS’ every breath — breathing your freedom! Many drag through life thinking, talking — feeling worried, defeated, despaired. Many carry heavy loaded burdens. — “But ROSE, you have no idea all going on in my life?”
Beloved — you’re right! What I do know is — JESUS — Who set you free!
Jesus said — “Come to Me. My teaching is easy (simple, painless, smooth), My load is light”
What do you say? “I come to You LORD to rest (trust) never again live in bondages!”
1. “I agree — I embrace You Jesus —
I take hold speaking out loud my freedom”
2. “I embrace You JESUS. You richly Love me —
You bought my freedom”
3. “YOU paid the highest price for me —
You paid Yourself for my freedom”
4. “YOU own me! I own You! I speak out loud praising You” —
“BLESS You JESUS — I am forever free —
from every bondage of sin, fear,
lack, sickness, worries, despairs, all cares —
defeat — failures”
Think — how you would be to never worry about money? DONE! Yes! JESUS forever set you free from ALL worries of money! Money, debt are names God makes bow — to THE NAME of JESUS — His Sons Name — THE NAME far above all names!
Think — how you would be to never give thought about sickness? DONE! Yes! JESUS forever set you free from ALL sickness, diseases — known or unknown!
Think — how would you be to never fear anything again — always live in LOVE, courage, peace, joy — every breath? DONE! Speak out — “Almighty God delivered me from the spirit of fear and delivered me into the Sons LOVE which is perfect and perfect LOVE throws out all fear.” YES! JESUS said HE delivered you forever— what do you say?
Yes Beloved — say what God said —