“Yet to all who did receive Him (Jesus),
to those who believed (agreed)
in His Name, He gave the right (privilege)
to become children of God”

(John 1:12)


YOU are Almighty Good God’s very extraordinary — very provided for — Royal CHAMPION Winner — HIS CHAMPION Ways — are for you as His Believer.  The Apostle Paul said —

“I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength”
(Philippians 4:13)

Simply say out loud every breath — with me today —

“BLESS You LORD — I DO all things through Jesus Christ with His strength IN ME”

BLESS You LORD — “The Joy of You LORD is my strength”

“BLESS You LORD JESUS — I am Good God Almighty’s chosen —
HIS Healed — made whole — lacking nothing”

BLESS You LORD — “I DO all things through Christ Who strengthens me”

As you think — speaking BLESSINGS TO JESUS — BLESSINGS IN JESUS with me — you will simply take action on holding onto ALL your God Given Rights (privileges) — your Great Royal God Inheritance!

Good God’s extravagant LOVE — His extravagant Joy — Grace —
His un-limited Favor is for you!

How do you choose — agree to think — talk — live —
How do you want to be remembered? —
How do you want people to know JESUS?

“Yet to all who did receive Him (Jesus),
to those who believed (agreed)
in His Name, He gave the right (privilege)
to become children of God”

(John 1:12)
In Jesus’ Name,

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