The Real Changes –
God’s Word Never Changes

“And you shall know the Truth,
and the Truth shall make you free”

(John 8:32)
     Consider the cold, hard reality, the “real” — look what these three people faced!  A Partner in our ministry heard her doctor say that her transplanted kidney was dying.  A Partner in our ministry received a letter by the mortgage company that her home would be auctioned in one month (she was 2 years with past due payments). A couple in our ministry read their doctor reports diagnosing they would never be able to have any children.

When real situations slam you — never start allowing the “real” to settle on your heart, in your thinking and talk — you will end up going into real feelings — fearful, despaired, overcome.  But when you rise up agreeing with The Truths of God — His Words — every real feeling, every “real” circumstance bows down — the “real” bows, changes to The Name above all names — JESUS!

I know right now you sense the power of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to Almighty God&rsrsquo;s Truths you believe.  God is The Spirit of Truth (John 16:13).   God is never The Spirit of “real”— He never bears witness, agrees to the natural “real” trying, lying to defeat you — threatening you — to make you worry, doubt, fearful — defeated.

It is very real when your body experiences sickness — sick diagnosis — sick feelings are “real”! — But diagnosis, feelings are not The Truth — sick feelings have no right to be in your life, your body.  Doctors diagnose — “You are sick.  Blood work, x-rays show that you are sick.”  But God’s Word says — “By Jesus’ stripes you are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).   That is The Truth!  Beloved, Jesus — God’s Word is The Truth about your situation.

What is the difference between the “real” and The Truth?  “Real” changes — bows to The Truth!  But The Truth — Jesus, God’s Word — never changes — always remains — never bows — has complete authority and dominion over the “real”!

When you — God’s Royal chosen child — choose to defy the “real” regarding situations — walking, living instead in Jesus, His Truths — the Holy Spirit of Almighty God in you rises up — bears witness, agrees to The Truths of God you are believing.

1.  The Partner with the diagnosed dying kidney — praise God — rose up,
received supernatural restoration — later x-rays and blood work showed
healthy kidneys!  God can and will form a new kidney — He is willing!

2.  The ministry Partner with the letter of foreclosure and auction of her
home rose up telling her mortgage company that it was not correct to
take her home — and God would protect her.  The week of the auction
of her home the mortgage company called saying they could not find
any mortgage papers on her home.  So her home had no mortgage on
it and there could be no auction.  Her home was debt free for her.

3.  The childless couple rose up — receiving they would not be childless —
and not only received their miracle baby of joy after several years —
but now they are rejoicing parents of three more children!

Beloved, the next time you are slammed by the very disturbing “real“ — what seems impossible in the natural — just rise up — agree God’s Word rules — agree JESUS — The Truth — His Word — rules over every situation.  Speak out loud with supernatural force saying — “Yes LORD, I refuse the right for anything that is not from You God to rule my life.  I refuse every real circumstance trying to defeat me. — I command you “real” be cast into the sea — bowing right now to Jesus — The Truth — God’s Word!”  The Holy Spirit will bear witness, agree with Jesus — The Truth — what you are believing!  I can guarantee — the “real” changes — you can receive your miracle!

In Jesus’ Name,

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