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“…Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own.”
                                                                  (1 Corinthians 6:19)

     Yes, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you!  You are not your own!  You belong to Almighty LORD God.  Godliness, “Living in God” — guarantees you protection.  Since the Holy Spirit lives in you — you are Father God’s Royal Holy CHAMPION child — you belong to Him!  His protection is guaranteed (1 Corinthians 6:19)  Yes Beloved — you are no longer on your own.

The pouring Blood of Jesus paid a huge price for you  — now you belong to God.  God expects you — to expect Him — to take care of you — protect you.  Godliness (living in God) guarantees your protection.

Now, never think you can just go around acting crazy stupid foolish — thinking nothing you do matters.  Your part with God — Who you belong to is — to think, talk, act, live — wisely choose — loving, and honoring Almighty God living in you!  Do you love God, love yourself — love others?  God says you do in 1 John 4:19 — “Because I first loved you, you love Me.”  Now, richly love, richly live — your LORD God is alive, richly living in you — wholeheartedly. There is great reward (profit) with God living in you.

Still remember — the LORD never said the goings on of world life would be free of the devil.  In fact, God says —

    1.   “The afflictions of the righteous are many” (Psalms 34:19).  Afflictions means — troubles, trials — As His righteous Royal holy child — you are constantly invited by the devil to attend his “Affliction Parties”

2.    In Psalms 91:15 God invites you to say “I AM is with me in trouble.”  Still, the devil offers you “Trouble Party” invitations — but God says He is with you in trouble!  “Trouble” invitations always come — but you never are to answer any devil invitations, attending his “Trouble Parties” — just refuse!  Just keep joyfully praising Almighty God gloriously alive in you — partying with Him in His Throne Room (His Presence)      

Beloved — I must ask — “Where did Christians get ideas the devil or demons of hell are handing out “red magic carpets”,  a carefree blessed life — to ride on?”  Almighty God is the One Who gave us Jesus — His blessed, care-free life (John 10:10)!  Many Christians think troubles, persecutions — oppositions — should never be offered them!  Some think God hands out troubles, evil, persecutions, oppositions, sickness?  Beloved, the devil is the author of evil — he never gives you a “magic red carpet” blessed life!

The devils only focus is to hurt Jesus — get your focus off knowing Jesus — to hurt God — by hurting you — invite you to his “Agree Party” for him to steal, kill, destroy in your life!  Understand — the devil is insane, never cares about you — or hates you!  The devil hates God — that’s insane insanity!  As far as the devil is concerned, you can go straight to hell or heaven — as long as he is rid of you knowing, proclaiming God is alive living in you — proclaiming you are God’s Royal holy CHAMPION child!  God loves you!  The devil wants rid of you knowing Jesus — His Love — focusing on Jesus, proclaiming Jesus —

Are you thinking when you live by love and faith  — every day you can just carelessly float through life on soft gentle clouds of ease — on a “magic red carpet”?  As a little girl — I always wanted a “magic red carpet” to get on and fly.  Yes, God’s great blessings of protections — promotions — prosperity are all yours!  Receive them!  And yes Beloved, the Bible says —

1.  Psalms 34:19 — “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all”

Oh yes, you are God’s righteous (in right standing with Him)!  Beloved Royal holy CHAMPION child — you have “God Himself, the Holy Spirit, alive — living in you!  You have Jesus!  You are living in God!”  Godliness (living in God) guarantees your Divine protection, deliverance by Almighty God your Father!  You belong to Him!  He owns you!  And God takes excellent care of all He owns!  Amazing glorious — Almighty LORD God is always with you because He lives in you!  Should you ever answer any devil invitations — attend any devil parties — God makes your way of escape — delivers you out — protects you — keeps you protected!  HE is Protection — you are guaranteed!  Praise His Holy Name!

In Jesus’ Name,
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