“They did not conquer by their own strength and skill,
but by Your mighty power and because
You smiled upon them and favored them”

                                        (Psalms 44:3)


HIS WISDOM ACCELERATION 2016!  Do you know God smiles — is mighty, powerful?  He smiles on you?  He favors you?  What supernatural strengths are you needing to conquer something in your life today?

Yes!  GOD IS mighty, powerful — smiling — favoring you!  

     You need His mighty power?  Strength on your job?  Maybe you need favor?  Do you need His Strength — His Favor to change your job — change your life? Maybe you need an addiction conquered?  Maybe you need His strength — His skill to deal with a difficult person in your life?

No matter what is trying to face you — Almighty Father God’s Mighty Power has His super–natural strength for you in every circumstance!  Never can you do any conquering by your strength, your skill!

Always by, always in — only by His Mighty Power — His smile — His favor is anything conquered for you!

Look clearly with me at God’s powerful Scripture Word again —

        1.  Interesting — this Scripture says they did not conquer —
“They conquered by Your Mighty Power and
because You smiled upon them and favored them”

2.  GOD smiles on you — HE favors you

3.  You simply calling on God causes Him to smile

4.  God is pleased, smiles — when you come to Him

5.  When YOU agree with God — YOU are surrendering yourself —
He smiles — YOU take His Favor — YOU take His Strength —
His Wisdom

Beloved — right now I know you understand — Almighty God richly Loves you! He expects to show Himself strong on your behalf.  Right now — turn to Father God!  Right now — call on Him!  Right now — BLESS Him He always richly provides for every area of your life.

Agree — Father God filled you with His Love — His Joy!  Agree  — He filled you with His super-natural strength to be His conqueror in every area of your life. Agree, LORD God Almighty is your Mighty Powerful Smiling Favoring God. 

BLESS The LORD with me today saying out loud — 

    “Almighty Father God — BLESS YOU — for smiling on me today.  You showed me You — Thank     You for showing me Your Favor — yes, I can live in Your Mighty, un-limited Strength every breath.”

“I am equipped with everything I need to live as Your Victor.  I am blessed to honor Your Wisdom in     all my life! Being Your Blessing honors you.  YOU are my Powerful, Smiling, Favoring, Strong     LORD God — In Jesus’ Name.  Amen. ”

“They did not conquer by their own strength and skill, but by Your mighty power and
because You smiled upon them and favored them” (Psalms 44:3)


In Jesus’ Name,
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