“Your Word have I laid up in my heart,
that I might not sin against You”

                             (Psalms 119:11)
     God’s Wisdom Word — has ALL Power — ALL the time — ALL for you! ALL Power to protect — power to keep you from sinning — power to keep you from thinking wrong, acting wrong — power over living defeated — living fearful.

His Wisdom Word has ALL Power to see to it you live Victorious, Blessed, Free — living in ALL His Glory to Glory — being His richest blessing —

Bible Scriptures say — “God is His Word” —

    1.  God’s Wisdom Word is living, alive — active — full of power
2.  His Wisdom Word — God Himself — is always ALL powerful in your life
3.  You have God’s written Word — the Bible
4.  You have God’s spoken Word — coming in many ways 

Bible Scriptures say — “God’s Word” — “God Himself” —

 1.  Came through a burning bush to Moses
2.  Comes in a still, small voice
3.  Came through even a donkey
4.  Comes in a strong, thundering voice
5.  Comes un-limited Ways 

Beloved, Almighty God speaks to your heart through a loving friend — through a worship song.  He speaks through His creation — water, clouds, fire, wind, birds, animals, rain, flowers.  When God speaks — your spirit-you clearly hears — you clearly know God’s Voice.

Always, God confirms Himself through His Wisdom Word in your spirit.  God’s Word is forever The Truth Jesus — Who set you free — Who always keeps you free!  The Truth holds God’s Wisdom Word close in your heart — as your Protection Shield — as your Provider — your only Source.

Right now, I must encourage you with every breath I breathe — every breath, richly meditate, thinking on, speaking God’s Wisdom Word.  Focus on His Word — think it — speak His Word out loud — your natural thinking mind must hear His Word.

As you focus on God’s Word — you are focusing on God Himself — be assured, your every step is directed by Him.  I can guarantee Almighty God keeps you going forward — rising higher in His Great plan of Highest Good for your greatest good (Genesis 1; Jeremiah 29:11; Revelations 3:8).

God Himself — sees to you being strengthened to live courageous as His Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child in every area of your life!  Now, see you as God sees you — Loved, Favored — richly Blessed to be His rich Blessing beyond dreams!  Almighty Father God’s POWER WORD WISDOM shines you —

BLESS Almighty Father God out loud saying — 

“BLESS YOU LORD!  Your Word strengthens me — protects me. You always speak The Truth to my heart.  I hear Your Voice more clearly than ever before.  Thank You LORD God     You always love me so richly.  My life is Wise, pleasing to You LORD.  You have made me in Your Image as Your Most Blessed — Your richest Blessing — In Jesus’ Name. Amen”

In Jesus’ Name,
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