
“And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said,
‘Men and brethren, have lived in all good
conscience before God until this day’”

(Acts 23:1)

Paul talks a lot about his conscience!  This is so interesting!  When you go through the epistles that Paul wrote to the Church, you can see more of what he said about his conscience.  Paul says he always lived obeying his conscience.  And obeying is simply agreeing, then acting on what you agree with!
Years ago several well know ministers got together to ask some questions of one of the top world evangelists that I knew very well.  They asked him — “We see that God has truly anointed you in a very special way!  We see you being unique and standing in great authority in your ministry!  Tell us, is there any one thing that you can tell us that you do from a natural effort to contribute to the huge success of your ministry?”
I was astounded at this question!  I waited intently to hear what this great man of God would say.  I knew he was a very unique individual and God had given him a very unique ministry — and he was a man of prayer!  And prayer and praise are highly important — but he never mentioned prayer or praise.
He answered saying — “Yes, God called me to be a very unique person and evangelist.  But you are asking me what has contributed to my success from my side.  And the one thing I can tell you that I personally do that I think contributes to my success more than anything else I can personally do is — I always instantly listen and obey my deepest promptings from my spirit.”
What this evangelist said was — “I always obey, simply agree and act on what my spirit tells me, what I hear right down on the deepest inside of me — what the Holy Spirit is speaking!  You see, the Holy Spirit always speaks, directs, guides, your inner spirit.”  I learned that day about obeying — simply agreeing and acting on what God says —

1.      Obeying, agreeing and acting on the voice of the Holy Spirit
in your spirit is a must

2.      The Holy Spirit is speaking in your spirit
3.      He communicates with you through your spirit 
4.      You spirit has a voice
5.      Obey (simply agree, then act on) what your spirit tells you — 
6.      What you are getting deep down on the inside of you is
from the Holy Spirit

7.      As a believer — your conscience is your spirit-voice

In Jesus’ Name,

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