Making It Plain

“… Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it”

                                                                                          (Habakkuk 2:2)

Places of business have statements hanging on their walls that speak about their business and the mission or purpose of that business!  At ROSE Ministries / CLEAR VISION television — in every room — hangs our vision — our purpose — our call from God’s Word — to bring healing to the world — “Go into all the world and preach and proclaim Almighty God and His Gospel at it’s finest …”  And with this vision Scripture we have a picture of the world with an airplane filled with the healing of God flying, circling this earth!

Every persons life needs to have their own mission statement — their own purpose.  Today, think about what is your purpose!  What are you about — what are you planning, dreaming about?  What are your goals — your thoughts for your future?  How are you planning and using your God given talents, your abilities?

Many people have a good idea about where they want to head in life — but the supernatural takes over the natural when you write down your vision making it plain on paper — and then you can make a plan.  There’s a determination — commitment — a resolve that sets its place on the inside of you.  That thing is more than just a dream — a thought — now you can look at your vision — your plan — every day.

The people around you see it, too.  God is going to use someone in your life to help you get to where you need to be.  When they see your vision — they can run with it too!   Start by using the next 5 steps —

  1.    Never live vaguely day to day
just for what comes what may
2.    Write down on paper the dreams
and visions you have in your heart
3.    Make them plain enough so that who
reads them can run with it too
4.    Submit your plans to the LORD
5.    Rest as you watch what ALMIGHTY
God does to bring them all to pass

Thank Almighty God for the dreams and desires He has placed in your heart.  Thank Him for ordering, directing your every step.  Thank Him for filling you with His peace.  Thank Him for clearly showing you from His Word the purpose and plans He has for you — as you write them — make them all clear on paper.  Make it plain!

In Jesus’ Name,
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