Imagine – Rightly See

“God’s Word is life to those who find them,
and health to all their flesh”

(Proverbs 4:22)

God’s Word is God!  What no one could ever do, God rightly did.  Imagine Jesus’ forgiveness, purpose —Truth!  Imagine in the manger, bowing with the shepherds.  Imagine rightly worshiping the LORD Jesus Who completed you daring to do what no one dares dream!
     No symptoms attacking your body, your life — are too big — too small — to hard — to wonderful for God!  He is LORD God Almighty — He is Holy Divine crazy wild for you.  No conditions are greater than what Jesus’ completed work on that Cross — completed in you.  Outrageous extravagant isn’t it?

     Beloved, I encourage you today — go through Scriptures in Job 38—42 and all of the New Testament books, and John!  Make a list about Who you say God is? Imagine, rightly “see” Jesus’ Love-Grace completed for you, “see” yourself completed in Jesus —

    1.   Focus rightly on Jesus, His richest Love — His completed work. Embrace His
Healing Scriptures for your healing in every area.  RIGHTLY SEE LORD GOD’s
HEART OF HEALING LOVE FOR YOU — for your loved ones — 

    2.  Rightly “see” in every Scripture your healing was completed by the wild
extravagance of Jesus at The Cross

    3.  Rightly “see” Jesus willingly, compassionately, simply healing all who came to
Him, as they had a need

    4.  Rightly “see” Great Wild Faith rise in your heart “seeing” Jesus alive in
your spirit — rightly “see” you healed in Him

     “God’s Word is life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:22).  Soak yourself in Jesus!  Soak in God’s Word, His healing promises — His healing facts, The Truth!  Speak Healing Jesus out loud over your body — your mind, your life!  God amazingly helps you rightly “see” Him richly alive in your spirit!  Expect, know His Divine healing — His richest, most amazing abundance of life, completed joy — freedom forever!  God expects you imagine, rightly “see” you are completed in Him!  

     REQUEST today your Healing book — “YES SIR — IT IS DONE SEALED AND HEALED”!   Over 80 pages of familiar Healing Scriptures for you to praise God, soak yourself in Jesus!  Each Scripture helps you trust, rightly “see” powerful living God’s Spirit richly alive in your spirit giving you His Divine healing, health — powerful life to your body. 

     In your “YES SIR” book God teaches His Love-Grace, Forgiveness, Freedom!  Praise, rejoice God is increasing, developing your spirit alive in Him in highest measure — live your completed, forgiven, Divine healthy life!

In Jesus’ Name,
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