The Healer is in Your House

“And He reached out His hands and healed them all” 
     The Forgiver — The Healer — Almighty God Himself is richly alive, living in your spirit — in your house to stay!  Before Jesus  physically died He reached out His hands and healed them all (Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-15)!  Jesus handed you forgiveness, healing forever!  Extravagant, wild isn’t it?  “See” your life forgiven — healed forever!  Is your body raging with pain?  “See” your body healed! Are you facing a horrific diagnosis?  “See” your body healed!  This is LORD God’s finest Good News in a darkest hour — the end to all pain — the end to all fears — the end to hearts despair — the end to all lack.

“See” your body, your life forgiven — healed!  Jesus was born to Earth for you with His Hands full, His Heart full!  He came full of His healing, forgiving power — full of His Love-Grace — full of His healing Joy!  Jesus came overflowing the full power of God for you! God sent Jesus.  He sent His Holy Spirit with His dynamite healing love!  Forever “see” your body healed.

Have you seen the “self-pride” prisoners?  The alcoholic, the food-holic, the emotion-holic, the  money-holic who never admits their need for Jesus, or admits their drinking, food, emotion, money disaster! To see this prisoner, handcuffed to the enemy, look around. They are everywhere fearful, un-forgiving — beating themselves and others up, down — all around!  Un-forgiveness handcuffs demons to you of overpowering fears, suffering, torment!  Not “seeing” Jesus — or hearing anyone speak of His Love-Grace kills.
God loves “self-pride” prisoners — because He is Forgiveness, love conscious, never sin conscious!

Scripture says, “If (since) we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us” (I John 1:9)

God knows, has Great Wild Faith over every sin, every wrong!  Forgive yourself, forgive others!  Un-forgiveness is likened to murder!  God richly alive in your spirit is not a murderer!  He is faithful, just, forgiving!  Blame, comparison, rationalization — justification — all penny cons of “prison kingdom” residents.

Many pretend they are getting right — knowing they are wrong.  God never called anyone to get right!  He called everyone to “see” right — to love in His Love, to forgive in His forgiveness Jesus!  Having enough sense to run to Jesus, admit un-forgiveness, throws un-forgiveness off the cliff — sinks any trouble forever into the sea.

Your Kingdom God of Love is Freedom.  Yes, this is you Beloved, wild in love — alive, living in Jesus, His joy — going forward in freedom — keeping you blessed as every trouble sinks! I  am thrilled to say — yes, “The Healer is in your house to stay!”  

In Jesus’ Name,
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