God Works For Your Good

“And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those
who love Him, who have been
called according to His purpose”

(Romans 8:28)
God expects to take every adversity, every hardship you go through and turn it around for His glory!  God never beats you down or makes your life miserable.  No, God’s dream — His way is to take any difficulty and supernaturally turn it around and use it to bring you good.  You agree for tough times to either bring you out stronger, more mature — and fully prepared for promotion — or you agree to be defeated and weak?
God has goodness, mercy and unfailing love — these are God’s amazing plans of love for you!  Should you not be understanding everything that’s going on in your life right now — let me encourage you — keep on keeping your head held so high that if it rained your nose would be a bucket.
Keep knowing that God is working behind the scenes — working while your body sleeps — He is working miraculously in your life.  Keep on being faithful.  Keep on doing the right thing — keep on knowing that God is turning things around in your favor.  Since God is for you, who can be against you?  No one!  Not one thing!  Greater is the One who is in you than anyone who can ever be against you.  No matter what’s going on around you today —

   1.   You keep your shoulders back
2.   You keep a smile on your face —
you get rid of every wall of fear or doubt
3.   Because you know God is working things
out together for your good
4.   Because Father God richly loves you —
He richly works on your behalf
5.   Thank God — praise Him for His
goodness and faithfulness in your life
6.   Thank Him — praise Him for all He’s
done for you in your past
7.   Praise Him for amazing things
He is preparing right now for your future 

God will help you keep your eyes on Him.  He will help you keep standing strong as you look for His goodness all the days of your life.
God works only for your good — because you love Him — and because you are called by Him for His purpose — to give love and give your life!

In Jesus’ Name,

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