“For God so loved the world that He gave
His one and only Son, that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal life”

(John 3:16)

Yes!  HIS WISDOM ACCELERATION 2016 is here!  Almighty Father God gave whoever forever His only Son Jesus!  To all the earth — all the universes — to you!  His door of eternal salvation —  His door of His Heart — forever opened to you — forever opened to whoever believes (takes) His Son Jesus.

Beloved — anyone — any worst or any best person any where — can come into Jesus!  Anyone can be His Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child.  Anyone, anywhere who takes in Jesus lives now and forever with Him! Jesus never saves only certain kinds of people.

Jesus has no big high pile of rules — strict conditions, tough requirements for living forever with Him!  In Jesus — in His salvation — in His Great Love-Grace — He forever forgives you.  For you — Jesus has only Great Love — Great Faith — Great Favor — Amazing Grace — Forever Forgiveness.

Before Father God gave you His Son Jesus  — 

    1.  People had to follow hundreds of laws to try to be holy enough to
even go into the temple
2.  Constant performing sacrifices, paying for sins was law required to
ever be in God’s presence
3.  Sins were never washed away — only covered over —
only once a year

Then — Father God so loved the world — HE gloriously gave you —
HE gave the world His only glorious Son Jesus — 

    1.  Jesus fulfilled all the laws
2.  Jesus became your final sacrifice paying the highest price for
all your sins forever
3.  Jesus’ shed Blood did far more than cover over all your
sins forever —
4.  Jesus’ shed Blood washed — cleansed forever clean —
all your sin — forever
5.  Jesus’ shed Blood — forever made you Almighty Gods
very Holy Temple
6.  Jesus now lives inside your spirit — He is alive — His Spirit fused
forever to your spirit-you

If you have never asked Jesus into your life — into your heart — this is the time right now.  I know you are ready to take your forever Living Jesus into your Heart Life today!  Yes!  You are Father God’s “whoever” now ready to receive you are His “Forever” Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child.

Now — pray this simple little Praise Prayer with me —

    “Father God — BLESS YOU for loving me so powerfully. You gave me Your only Son Jesus so I can live free now and forever with You. Gloriously you forever opened the door of Your Heart to me.  Right now I have Your Most Blessed Life — I have Your Eternal Life with You.”

    “Thank You LORD Jesus forever became The Final Sacrifice paying for me. Thank You     Father God Jesus has come into my heart, into my spirit to live forever. You Father God forever fused Your Spirit into my spirit as my LORD Jesus — my Savior forever.  I am truly Your “Forever Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child” — In Jesus’ Name. Amen”

    “For God so loved the world that He gave
His one and only Son, that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal life”

(John 3:16)
In Jesus’ Name,
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