Your Glory Party

“Christ is in you”
                      (Colossians 1:27) 

For years, I missed this Truth, believing all other Scriptures — Christ for me, with me, around me, ahead of me — never imagining Christ is in me!  Scripture is not lacking.  Paul refers to the indwelling Christ 216 times. No philosophy, no government, movement, no other religion, no society, proclaims a living Presence in their followers — except Jesus.  Buddha, or Muhammad never lives in Buddhists, Muslims. Not one sacrificed their life for anyone — except Jesus!  None, never alive, living in you — except Jesus!

The Glory, Glory, Glory of Almighty God in Christianity bottom lines in Colossians 1:27 — “Christ is in you!”  You, as a Christian are a flesh, blood person that Almighty God Himself, fused His Own Spirit, into your spirit heart!  Jesus The Christ, lives in your spirit, wild, alive happening!  Daily your new Image in God blooms, because Almighty God’s Amazing Grace — His Son Jesus is happening — developing your spirit!

    1.   The devil tries to come down on you!  But you are Almighty God’s
Beloved Holy Royal CHAMPION child! With KING Jesus, you throw
your shoulders back, raise your head high — confidently step, sit,
rest as God’s true Royal Holy CHAMPION child!  JESUS, your LORD,
your Savior — KING of kings — LORD of lords, loves you, protects
you — you’re having a “Glory Party” with Father God in
His Throne Room

2.   God’s helmet of Love-Grace-Forgiveness-Salvation on you is secure
(covering your mind in His Wisdom forever) —
His shield of Great Wild Faith is strong (guarding your spirit) —
His belt of His Truth is fastened firmly on you (keeping you clothed,
your britches secure) —
His shoes of Peace you wear are comfortable, durable, all hand made
(making your every step joyful, calm, secure) —
God’s Sword of His Spirit (God’s Word) in your hand, spoken from your
mouth is double edged, sharp, piercing, cutting to the bone, the
marrow (God is Victory) — all hand made for you by Almighty God
Himself keeping you protected, wrapped up loving Him
(never fighting)! 

Beloved, you are fully equipped, dressed in His success of Love-Grace!  Smile!  Keep singing!  Almighty LORD God keeps you all dressed up at His “Glory Party”!  In every great victory upon victory, your won is done!  This is “Glory Party” time now unlike ever before!  Right now praise God you have Jesus!

The devil has never been more continuously reminded he is defeated!  Praise Almighty God for His Love-Grace, Forgiveness, Favor!  This is your Glory to Glory Party time with your LORD Jesus – Christ in you!

Every “Fear-Defeat Party” invitation the devil offers, you refuse! Never again attend any “Devil Parties”!  ORDER today — “When Trouble Presses In — You Press On”.  Learn now you are gloriously pressed into Jesus — then press on — with Jesus!      

In Jesus’ Name,
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