“You were indeed called to be free, brothers and sisters …
Serve each other through LOVE”  

                                      (Galatians 5:13)
Expect, require speaking out loud —
“I am “free indeed” in You Jesus, in every area of my life.”  

“BLESS You God—
Your Wisdom ROYAL Ways direct my every step You richly planned for me”
“BLESS You God — You gave me ALL Your richest pleasures forever”
“BLESS You LORD — You help me take action agreeing — speaking YES” 

Taking “YES” action with God — keeps your Rest (trust) flowing freely in JESUS —
JESUS Divinely ordered His Free Life Path for you —
Every breath — at all costs decide to speak out loud —
“God’s richest Blessings pour for me today” 

Decide — taking action — at all costs —
Every breath — speak out loud —

“BLESS You Father God —
for setting me free forever in Your Precious Son Jesus”  

Say out loud with me —

“Almighty Father God — BLESS You Your Mighty Plan JESUS
keeps my every breath free to serve You LORD — serve myself — serve others
through Your LOVE —
Right now LORD every burden, every care is gone from me!”

You LOVE me — You provide for me!
You help me understand Your Wisdom Goodness —
You give me your Sweet Eyes to see — Your ears to hear — Your Words to speak —
Your Wise Mind of Christ” —

“Right now LORD my thoughts — my talk expects, requires You as my most vital necessity —
I am Your forever free — in ALL Your un-limited Provisions —
ALL Your un-limited Protection”

“BLESS You Precious LORD — Your un-limited Favor is mine”

“I am forever in Your LOVE — gloriously set Free in my LORD JESUS” — 

“You were indeed called to be free, brothers and sisters …
Serve each other through LOVE”  

                                        (Galatians 5:13)


In Jesus’ Name,

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