Faith Boldly Acts

“And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised,
He was able also to perform”

(Romans 4:21)

 The LORD says — “Amen” (so be it)!  I say in faith — “Thank You God, it is done.”  What does that mean to say something in faith?  It means to call those things that do not yet exist as though they do exist.  Many well meaning — honest Christians are afraid to act that way because they don’t really know what faith is.  Someone may say — “Well ROSE, were the symptoms you had of cancer gone when you said it was?”  “No, the pain in my lower body was unbearable.”  “Well, you were lying, then,” someone may say!  No!  I was acting on God’s love and Word.
I have ministered this message over several years, over every area of my life — sometimes people will come to me saying — “Did the LORD really heal you when Evangelist Roxanne Brandt laid her hands on you in 1975 and anointed you with oil?”  I answer — “Why, He certainly did — and before that even.”  They ask — “Well, are you sure?  Maybe you would be wise to have some tests run and have a check-up!  Do you ever feel any symptoms?”  I always answer — “Not that I can tell you about!”
Then someone might say — “Well, you really should have a check-up.  You just might still have that cancer even though you don’t feel any different — and what makes you think the LORD has healed you?”  I joyfully say — “Beloved, I never think God has healed me — I know He has healed me — and He healed me for good.  And I know that He has healed you too!”  What am I saying and doing?  I am standing and acting in amazing faith.  Symptoms and every known and unknown disease has no right to be in my body or in my life!  And I can double-dog dare you to stand and act in amazing faith bolding acting too!

     1.    I challenge you today boldly speak out and
act on the sure love and Word of God

     2.    Are you fearful that just maybe God has lied?
     3.    Never, He never lies
     4.    You must — you have to be convinced — agree in
your own spirit — God never lies

     5.    Faith never works by just rolling
out of your head — mentally agreeing

     6.    Faith never works just by trying out
saying and doing what I said and did

     7.    I never try out faith — I do faith — I live faith
and I keep doing and living faith in every area
of my life — spiritually, physically, emotionally,
mentally, financially 

Right now today — speak and act in amazing faith (agreement with God) at all costs — no matter what you see with your eyes — no matter what you feel in your body or emotions — no matter what your finances look like!  You speak and you act boldly in faith fully persuaded on the love and Word of God in faith.
Believe that you receive when you praise God.  Believe (agree) God always performs — He always brings to pass — He always fulfills His own Word — faith boldly acts!

In Jesus’ Name,
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