“According to your faith be it done to you” 
                                                                      (Matthew 9:29)

     God expects to Bless you!  Now you expect to Bless Him!  — Expect Him to Bless you!  Your children expect you as their Parent — to have food, water — for them — a table to eat at — a bed in their room — clothes — simple life provisions!

Father God has provided all this and far far more for you — than all your children could ever expect of you!

Father God has already given you every thing you could ever need to be successful – be blessed — be secure in life for ALL eternity —  He has given you ALL — His very own Self — His only Son Jesus —

Remember Jesus said — “… all things are possible to those who believe”!  Today, every breath — you can believe (agree, expect, require, act) in Almighty Father God’s Great Faith Goodness!  

Today — every breath — you can take big giant steps
in God’s Great Faith Spirit fused Alive in your spirit —
HE has already provided for you ALL HIS Life of LOVE of Great Blessings —
forever — DONE!

Your faith — IS His Great Faith!  Bless Him today with me out loud —

“Almighty Father God — BLESS YOU — Your Great Hand of Blessings are
all over my life today.  My heart stays open with You!
I have Your Heart O God alive inside my spirit!
I trust Your Great Good Plan for me.
You LORD gave me Your Heart filled with Your Great Love!
Your Great Faith is always doing all for me.
Your Great Favor — Your Great Grace —
Your Great Joy is mine to rest in You in Your Great Peace —
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”


“According to your faith be it done to you” 
                                                                      (Matthew 9:29)


In Jesus’ Name,

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