(Rich healthiest Faith-Food)

“I have heard about You —
but now my eye sees You”

(Job 42)

     God asked Job — “Job, tell me, Who do you say I am?”  Today right now like Job — is your exact day of “seeing” deliverance!  Today, Who do you say God is?  Get up, “see” Jesus with your “spirit eye” — walk free in Divine health.  Today, get up whole — lacking nothing!

Get up in the mighty healing power of God from inside your spirit!  Rejoice saying to Almighty God today — “I have heard about You — but now my eye sees You” (Job 42).  Beloved — as God’s Royal Holy CHAMPION child — Jesus, The Healer is alive in your spirit — living in your house to stay!  Now you are to — “see” your body, your life forgiven, healed!  Now you forgive yourself — forgive others!

    1.   Press into any Scripture that tells of someone
receiving their forgiveness, their healing —
2.   Drive to work — go about your day —
cook dinner — as you begin to go to sleep at
night — close your eyes, imagine, “see” Jesus
alive, richly living in your spirit! “See” that
person’s story of forgiveness, healing — —
3.   “See” every forgiveness healing Scripture
soaking your mind.  Relive in your mind,
experiences that person in the Word went
through.  Your mind begins painting the Image
of Jesus the Forgiver, Healer in your spirit

Now you have His Divine Forgiveness Image, the picture of this person with God painted in your heart and mind — now you “see” Jesus in your body, your life forgiven, healed!  “See” Jesus, His body, His back, His Heart taking your healing forgiveness for you.  “See” Him nailed on the Cross giving you your completed Divine forgiveness, health — spiritually physically, mentally, emotionally, financially — socially.  “See” Jesus — your Forgiver — your Healer — forever alive in your spirit!

Spend some hours daily imagining God’s amazing healing forgiveness powers at work in your mind, your body!  “See” His power working! “See” His power curing your particular situation from the inside out.  Sit quietly, close your eyes — “see” Jesus lovingly smiling, His forgiving hands holding you — keeping you secure in His healing arms (Isaiah 49:16).

“See” yourself completed — completely forgiven, healed!  Beloved, Almighty God Himself, The Healer — Jesus The Forgiver are alive fused into your spirit!  This is your day of “seeing” your deliverance forever!

In Jesus’ Name,
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