Today’s Scripture
“The secret things belong to the LORD our God …”
(Deuteronomy 29:29)
Things Secret
Dear One,
No matter if you are going through difficult situations in your life that you are having trouble understanding — remember this season passes! During this season — your mind naturally wants to questions things. Right now, the important thing is — keep focused on God — trusting God.
You must remember — God wants to bring you from your ways to His higher ways! Especially when you may not understand what He is trying to do in your life — keep focused on Him. The Bible clearly tells us that should adversity come — God is the one who promises to always lead you into higher places of victory.
Serving God means He sees to it you will have answers to unanswered questions as you go. You may have a hard time understanding why a relationship ended in defeat or ended at all. You may have a hard time understanding the loss of a loved one.
You may think — “ROSE, why did I ever have to go through something so difficult?” Or, “Why does it seem my prayers just aren’t getting answers?” Today, I boldly say to you — choose to keep your focus off questions — and choose to keep focused on Father God — going on big and bigger with Him. Especially when circumstances just aren’t making natural sense — strongly choose to keep trusting Almighty Father God’s higher ways. Remember, His ways are always high ways — and He always turns every difficulty around and uses it for His glory … for your victory.
God is faithful to His Word — and He is just — and you are guaranteed He fulfills His every Word He’s made to you. You part — trust and obey (agree) — there is no other way! Things that are secret are not kept by Almighty God from you — the secret things are kept by God for you!
In Jesus’ Name,
