Today’s Scripture “Jesus is the Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) Sins Gone Forever Dear One,
The powerful Blood of Christ didn’t cover your sins, conceal your sins! His Blood didn’t postpone, or minimize your sins. Jesus Blood took away all your sins, all the worlds sin, once and for all! So since … you are saved, you can serve sin free! Many don’t know Jesus has saved them. Many people think they are “so saved” they never serve. Some serve with hope of being saved. The facts — you are here in His Glory — to glorify God in your service. Maybe your way is opposite? Perhaps you serve from fear of not being saved. Do you think God is writing your serving score on a score card? Is your score good enough? Beloved, there is no score card —”The powerful, precious pouring Blood of Jesus was enough to save you, free you, lead you, keep you.” John 1:29 confirms Jesus is — “The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Today, every day — God promises you rest in Jesus! —“Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” More double, unlimited restored for your trouble! God declared it — He does it! Your rest (trust), your expectation is to be that things be far better than before. In this same verse, He calls you a “prisoner of hope”. Beloved, hope in the biblical sense means “a confident expectation of good” happening in your life. You are a saved prisoner in His hope! You are His saved saint! You can’t but help waking up hopeful — expecting good things to happen to you! When trouble shows up from the devil, never give up saying — “It’s hopeless!” Never worry — just keep agreeing with God! Never let fear, angry be you. David worshipped God seeing a trouble as an opportunity for God to bless him with far more than what he originally had. And David was living long before Jesus came into the world saving, taking sins away! Almighty God provided your salvation — He declared you are His Beloved, Holy most blessed! God gives you double, unlimited for trouble! So you can be confident that all sins are gone forever! In Jesus’ name,