Today’s Scripture “We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal”
(2 Corinthians 4:18)
See Forever Things
Dear One, What do you do not look at today? Yes! Temporary seen things? God expects your focus to stay off every day temporary seen things! How? — By you keeping your focus on all Father God’s forever, eternal miraculous things He has for you right now today! Temporary things are so many things — weather — cold, hot — hurts, doubts, worries, fears, angers, un-forgiveness, pains, health, money, people, how’s, why, if’s, should have’s, shouldn’t have’s — negative attitudes, self — seen things on and on! Seen things with eyes are temporary! Forever eternal miraculous unseen things are permanent — far bigger than any thing you can temporarily see or feel around you. Sadly, too many people give up, quitting when they look at real tough, disturbing times. They stop expecting good things to happen. Understand! I know well how hardships, trials are real! I also know in hardship times you rise up higher. And understand too — the LORD never uses or puts hardship times on you to raise you up! All struggles you may be experiencing, going through right now, no matter how big or small … will change. Your health may not look very good today — health will change. You may have no job, or a not very good job today — this will change. Your finances may look, feel desperate today — this will change! Your relationships, marriage, children may be struggling — this will change! Every thing on this earth is temporary, changes — except LORD God! Almighty God’s permanent secure Ways see to you easily going through! Beloved, remember — your Father God is always working miraculously all day, all night for you. God never sleeps! He gloriously works with you (your spirit-you) while your body sleeps. All troubling circumstances your eyes may see right now are temporary — all changeable! All negative goes to all positive as you keep focus to LORD God Almighty’s miraculous Ways. Circumstances change even as you are seeing them! Today — “you do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen!” Focus — keep seeing with your spirit the forever things of LORD God! Blessings Flowing