Today’s Scripture “For it is God which works in you both
to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13) Why People Refuse to Receive Healing
Dear One, The number one reason people refuse, fail to receive their healing is that they do not believe that it is God’s will for them to be healed. I have heard many say — “Well, may be God has some purpose in this disease and sickness.” No, He doesn’t!
God’s Divine, Perfect will is for you and me to be in great health. So I stay in health because I know that’s what His will is. According to Philippians 2:13 — “God is working in me, both to will and to do of His own good pleasure.” Yes, He is working in me every day to will and to do of His own good pleasure. You need to settle the question about God’s will concerning healing for you. How are you going to settle it? How are you going to find out what God’s will is? Go to the will of God — the New Testament, and find out.
At the reading of a will, someone reads the last will and testament of the deceased. A testament is a will — the New Testament is the final Testament and Will of God. It is His plan! It is His purpose! It is His testament of all that He wants you to have. It is God’s Divine and Perfect will not only to have healed you — but to also to heal you and everyone else who is sick — because healing is in God’s Divine redemption plan.
Right now, settle this Word of God in your mind — in your heart — in your talk. Then you never again have to ask any questions. You never have to wonder about God’s will for healing any more than you wonder if you are really saved — re-born. You know without a doubt! Failing, refusing to receive God’s will for your healing is impossible!
In Jesus’ Name,