Today’s Scripture
“Then said Mary to the angel,
‘How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?’” (Luke 1:34) (Luke 1:26-38)
Know God’s Will Dear One, Look at the extreme contrast of Mary’s question and the angel Gabriel’s response to her, alongside the question Zacharias, Elizabeth’s husband asked Gabriel — and the angels response to Zacharias (Luke 1:18-20). The questions are similar but the angels responses are totally different. Both Mary and Zacharias asked how these miracles would occur? But clearly Mary was asking “how” in faith! Zacharias was asking “how” in unbelief. Bible teaching clearly says unbelief never pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). The LORD isn’t ever minding you questioning Him for the purpose of instruction — so you can cooperate with His Divine Will in your life. Abram knew it was God’s Will for him to have a son! But Abram and Sarai came up with their very own plan which caused them and the world much grief (Genesis 16:1-6). Abram would have avoided many problems if he had asked the LORD “how” He was going to accomplish this miraculous event of giving him a son, making him the father of many nations. Instead Abram questioned “how” in unbelief. If Mary had not questioned the angel Gabriel, she may have reasoned that Jesus would be born through her natural union with Joseph. This reasoning would have been a tragic mistake. Unbelief, reasoning, would have disqualified Mary from being used. Mary accepted, expected — the LORD’s Divine Will was already done! Beloved, never is it enough to just know God’s Divine will. You must continue to require (expect) the LORD in belief! Know God’
Blessings Flowing