Today’s Scripture “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith
without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)” (Hebrews 10:23) Healing is Mine Dear One, The mother of a young girl from Maryland called to share her daughters healing story with me — “ROSE, there were medications that my daughter should take that helps keep her going a little better. So she was taking these medication. After we left your service in Baltimore, it was time for her medication. But, she said to me — “Mom no, I don’t need it. I’m healed.’”
This dear mother went on — “Honey, you will begin suffering if you don’t take your medications. You’ll begin to hurt.” Her daughter blurted out — “No Mom — I won’t begin to hurt. I know I am healed.” This dear mother said — “Well, how do you know you are healed?”
Her daughter said — “Did you hear Sister ROSE ministering, teaching that Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses? I stood right there and confessed it with my mouth. So I know healing is mine!”
This young girl never had another symptom. The mother took her to be examined by doctors — they couldn’t find anything wrong! In fact, the doctors asked to keep her so they could further examine her seven more days! Then, the day the mother came to pick up her daughter — the doctors said — “We must speak with you. We have run every test we can run — done further examinations — there isn’t any trace of disease — it is all gone — disappeared. What happened?” Yes beloved — healing is yours!
In Jesus’ Name,