Today’s Scripture
“… That you might be filled with the knowledge of His will
in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That you might walk worthy of the LORD to all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:9-10) God’s Divine Will
Dear One, Almighty God’s Divine will — all wisdom — all spiritual understanding — is in His Great love and Word for you! Yet, many Christians want to put out a fleece to hear from God to know His will! Beloved, it is very dangerous for Spirit-filled Christians living under the New Covenant to put out fleeces. All this “fleecing” business is in the natural realm where Satan is a god (2 Corinthians 4:4). When people pray things like — “God, if You want me to do this, then have this or that happen” — Beloved — that is a fleece — that is fleecing God. And Satan — does move — in the natural sense realm. God has a better, higher way of leading His children — lovingly, spiritually, supernaturally! God clearly speaks to you from His Spirit — through your spirit from His Word. He does not speak to you through your feelings or natural thinking! This hit-and-miss method of fleeces is not from God! When I first began ministering years ago — as I was ministering in one church — the Pastor of another church asked me to come to their church to minister. I did go and minister for them! While flying back home to Kentucky — I said — “LORD — I am thinking about putting out a fleece. Here it is — if that church continues to call me inviting me to minister — I’m going to accept it as Your will for me to continue going.” This church continued to invite me to come minister. They even encouraged me to move to their State and take an Executive Pastoral leadership role in the church! And, I considered moving to that church area in another State! Beloved, if I had moved — I would have gotten fleeced! They would have gotten fleeced. Both myself and the church would have severely missed God one hundred percent! Now, as I can look back — I fully realized that I had a check in my spirit all the time — I was struggling to listen to God, not requiring Him in His love and Word. Beloved, God’s Divine will is His love for you — is His Word! He is His love and Word! Blessings Flowing