Dear One,
You need rest (trust)? Yes! You have a Bible? Yes! You have ears, eyes, a mouth? Yes! Attempts at “self-help — self-right — self-love — self-work — self salvation” guarantees yourself sheer misery exhaustion. You run! You bolt, trying really hard to please God, please people, please yourself! You collect awards, prizes, badges, many pats on the back!
Any one who questions your accomplishments is shunned! Results? The most tired, worn out people on planet Earth. Failure is feared! Fear is feared! You fear yourself! You absolutely think you must develop your own image of perfection? Call yourself the ministry of stooped shoulders, upside down, pound-dog faces. You sigh! Beloved, stop all this right now!
Beloved, once for final all — enough is enough of ridiculous furies! Start walking, sitting, resting — stop running here, there! Jesus promises — “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28) “Your hearts should be strengthened by God’s grace, not by obeying rules” (Hebrews 13:9).
You either agree with God or you don’t! There is no time left — no fine print — no extra just in case! A final shoe isn’t going to drop. God’s Wild Love, His promises have no hidden, secret, unknowns to figure out.
Love-Grace-Forgiveness happens. Beloved, His never ending Wild Love for you never changes. Today, stretch yourself out on His blanket of Love-Grace-Forgiveness-Healing. Beloved, have a picnic now! You can study Him. You have God’s heart? Yes! You can praise Him praying.
You have the Wise Mind of Christ? Yes! Done! You can think His thoughts! You have long life and length of days? Yes! You can enjoy your long life with Jesus! Do you remember what Jesus said? “I came that you may have and enjoy life in abundance till it overflows” (John 10:10). “My Father loves Me, because I give up My life so I may take it back again” (John 10:17).
With God your life is everything! Without God nothing! Your children, family are loving, the same, yet different. When any one does something special for you — your heart soars! You run to give a hug! That’s the only running to be done! God runs to hug you as you rest (trust) in Jesus — loving Him special! God made this day for you to rejoice and be glad!
Beloved, God made every day for you to rest (trust) be happy! So be happy! Simply put! Enough furies!