Today’s Scripture “When a man’s ways please the LORD,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7) Enemies at Peace Dear One,
Yes! God’s Royal CHAMPION Ways, as your ways, please the LORD! The LORD Himself makes even your enemies be at peace with you! What pleases the LORD? Hebrews says — “faith pleases God.” What is faith? Faith is simple! — Faith believes (agrees) that Almighty God is Who He says He is! Faith believes (agrees) that God rewards those who seek (require, expect) Him. Also the Bible says — “Faith without works is dead.” So, faith (believes, agrees with God) at work — express’ through actions. Think on this — you go to bed! Your body goes into a complete state of sleep! Before you go to sleep — never does it enter your mind — “I wonder if the world will stay on its axis — not spin out into space during the night? I wonder if my bed still be here?” Yes! You joyfully sit to rest in your favorite chair never wondering — “Will those 4 chair legs collapse out from under me!” You have complete faith (believing, agreeing, acting) your chair is sturdy, comfortable — will absolutely safely hold you! Yes! You sit safely in that old great chair. With no faith in that chair holding you — you would never sit on it. Yes Beloved! Faith affects your actions. Your faith in God — joyfully follows His Love-Commands. You never wonder — never hesitate. You simply obey Him. Some people have great faith — in reverse! Faith in reverse is faith in what is feared! Fear is a deadly spirit — that puts faith in reverse upside down! Again, when you fear — you have faith that what you are fearing will happen! Job said — “The thing I feared has come upon me.” Tragic! Beloved, every day — keep your faith right side up! Keep faithfully knowing that you please Almighty God as you seek (require, expect, demand) Him by faith. Yes! You please Him as you faithfully speak out loud His Love – His Word. You please Him as you faithfully follow His Love-Commands — Instructions. Your ways as His faithful CHAMPION Ways — please Him! Amazing LORD God is pleased by your faith in His Love! Yes! Done! As your Faith-Peace Thermometer rises high — God Himself makes even your enemies be at peace with you! In Jesus’ Name,