Today’s Scripture

“If anyone asks you why you are taking the donkeys,
say the Master needs them, and he will send them at once”

(Matthew 21:3)

A Donkey Gave

Dear One,

A powerful, powerful Word of God.  I am sure the one donkey seemed like most donkeys!  Did all the donkeys have names?  What I know is this one precious donkey gave himself for Jesus to ride on Sunday into Jerusalem!  And the man owning the donkeys gave!   If you think donkeys just willingly let anyone ride them — think again!  Did the donkey owner think  — “Almighty God Himself is going to ride my donkey?” God does what you never dare dream, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Just imagine one Saturday afternoon you take some ones cars because your Jesus needs them Sunday?  God became a man, trusting you would know Him.  Jesus became a bloody mess sacrifice, trusting you would live in Him — trusting God would live in you.  Jesus defeated death trusting you would follow after Him into eternity — never dying — you living forever with Almighty God.  This strips all the gears right out of your natural mind thinking.  This is crazy insane insanity.

Holy actions are far beyond natural possibility.  Only Almighty God, Creator of the Universes — far far far beyond natural sense makes the very impossible — all possible.

Sometimes I read God’s Word — thinking how He sounds!  Wild — crazy — extravagant — impossible — stronger than strong — absolute madness — Divine!  Then I remember!  Only God Almighty can create such outrageous plans. Only Almighty God — could think far far beyond the borders of sane thinking!  He offered Jesus — His only Son — crucified — to be the first-born from the dead as His Greatest Gift of love to me, to you — to all mankind.  God always does what no one can ever do.

This entire Earth created in 7 days by God’s spoken Words — Moses parting seas — rivers turning to blood — bush on fire not burning — 100 yr old Abraham, Sarah having babies — 3 men in a hot firey furnace dancing around inside with God so hot no one could go near — David downed giant Goliath, one sling shot smooth stone — Joseph king after brothers selling him to slavery — Jehosaphat marches singing praises to God defeating an army — Noah builds ark, God floods entire earth, ark with Noah, and two of every living animal creation on this earth — sails!

GOD HIMSELF becomes a physical man through JESUS His Son — Eternal forgiveness, eternity — The Written Truth — a 14 year old girl births the only One, Son of God — the manger of Jesus’ birth — stars guiding — shepherds kneeling — Jesus turns water to wine — lepers cleansed, blind seeing — fish jumping into Peters rotten net — dead Lazurus alive walking out of a tomb, no smell — 15,000 fed with boys 2 fish 2 loaves bread lunch, plenty left over — Jesus, Peter walking on water — Jews return to Israel winning a war in 6 days with no army! All with God!  Everyone giving to God!  Everyone — worshiping Living God Who lives in you!

Today do what man never dares dream, think, or imagine!  Do you lay your healing hands as the Hands of Jesus on the sick — casting out demons (Psalms 1:3)?  All of us — you — have a donkey. Increase Jesus mightily on God’s planned road!  Give — God does not want one lost from Him.  Maybe you speak or write?  Maybe you play piano?  Maybe you cook?  Maybe you know computers?

Maybe you write an outrageous check?  However you sow your money seed — take your stone and sling using it for the victory of God!  Whatever your donkey is — that is your donkey.  Joyfully give!  The donkey owner who joyfully gave Jesus all his donkeys is just one in a long line of who gave little things to Big God.

Blessings Flowing
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