Today’s Scripture

“Ask (expect) and it will be given to you; seek (require) and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” 
                                                                             (Matthew 7:7)


     Many people think they must never ask (expect) too much — require much — have much — give much!  That is limited wrong thinking!  Almighty God’s amazing un-limited Spirit is Alive in your spirit — DONE!  Yes!

God’s LOVE-Word clearly says to ask (expect, require).  God has provided all your needs met.  Dear one — God expects — HIS desires are in your heart! Then — HE expects, requires to fulfill those desires!

God dreams — through you!

Every desire God has given you does 3 three things — Honors, LOVES and Blesses Him — Honors, LOVES and Blesses you — Honors, LOVES and Blesses others!  Then — Father God brings to pass His every heart desire He gave you —

So how is it you are lacking, struggling in any area of your life?  Jesus said —

1.  “You have not because you ask (expect, require) not”
2.  “You have not because you ask (expect, require) amiss (careless motives)”

How are you to ask (expect)?  Ask (expecting) from God — Always use these 3 “ask” steps of order —

1.  You ask (expecting) always loving, honoring, blessing — God —
2.  You ask (expecting) always loving, honoring, blessing — you —
3.  You ask (expecting) always loving, honoring, blessing — others —

As you ask (expecting) using these 3 steps of order — you are never asking amiss — fearful, selfish — wrong motives — ungrateful — doubtful!

God is well pleased you expect His Great Faith Spirit is forever fused Alive in your spirit!  He is well pleased, honored you boldly expect joyfully, faithfully — requiring Him as your most vital necessity!

First — sow to Him your Best Seeds of LOVE, Joy, Grace, Finances, Healing — Courage!
Expect HIS Most Blessed!

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you”

                                                          (Matthew 7:7)


Blessings Flowing
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