Today’s Scripture

“’I confessed my rebellion to the LORD.’
And You forgave me. All my guilt is gone”

(Psalms 32:5)


Acknowledge – Forgiveness

Dear One,

Acknowledge” is a strong Greek translation of the word “confession”!  Confession never means to complain, condemn!  So many people recite problems over and over.  They nurse holding problems like a dying child!  They tell you again and again how rough their life is — how much you or someone hurt them.

They rehearse and rehearse day and night all they don’t like or understand about themselves, about others!

Their talk talk talk, honks all about how God needs to do something — as rebellion, guilt goes on!  I’m not saying never confess!  I am saying be loving God-conscious — never sin-conscious!  Beloved, true confession never blames!  True confession never points ten fingers at yourself or towards others.

Pointing fingers feels real good — keeps your voice raised — for a while!  Pointing never does anything to rid you of conflicts, confusions, fears, rebellion, guilt trying to burn a hole in your heart!

True confession means being clean with God.  David knew this!  His Bathsheba outrageous affair certainly was more than enough.  Setting Bathshebas husband up to be murdered in frontline battle went way over the top!

David danced around all his shenanigans like a ballerina!  Finally a prophet came bringing the truth to David right up to the surface — stopping the dancing!  David certainly did not like what he finally had to see of himself.  Still!  All glory to God — David truly acknowledged (confessed) his rebellion.  David truly saw God’s forgiveness — David saw his guilt gone!

David acknowledge his rebellion — not belaboring on and on about his outrageous sinful actions!  He just simply came clean before God.  God already knew!  Done!  God wasn’t looking at David’s rebellion!  He was looking at David His Beloved —a man after God’s own Heart!  Done!

David did not talk talk talk honk on about all he had done — or what Bathsheba had done — or what anyone had done!  David never went over and over his or others many life rebellions!

David simply proclaimed —“I confessed (acknowledged) my rebellion to the LORD.’ And You forgave me. All my guilt is gone.”   This is so amazing how simple, how final God’s Love is!

Clearly see right here — David simply praised the LORD for His forgiveness!  David praised God for removing His guilt!  Spend your time with God Praise Praying to Him.  Stop all the beating talk talk honk talk — beating yourself up — beating others up!

God  knows all about how marvelous, how intricate, how wonderful He made you (Psalms 139)!  He looks to hear your praises for His Great Love for you!  Acknowledge forgiveness — guilt gone!  Done!

In Jesus’ Name,
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