Today’s Scripture

“To Him Who is able to keep you from falling
and to present you before His glorious
presence without fault and with great joy —
to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty,
power and authority, through Jesus Christ our LORD,
before all ages, now and forevermore!  Amen”

(Jude 24–25)

Stakes High…Never Fall 

Dear One,

Yes!  Stakes are high!  God is higher.  You are Almighty God’s!  He made you His Strong Mountain (Psalms).  He gave you His Guide!  Your first step came the day you confessed, receiving Jesus Christ as the Son of God — your Savior, your LORD.  Jesus gave you His Equipment — His Harness — His Love!  In His Holy Spirit —in your strong mountain hands — He placed His Rope — His Word.

Your very first steps were so confident, so strong, thrilling!  You thought you must climb fast — you needed to be locked up for safety!  Your journey began — took off!  Weariness tried to cover you!  With each step you thought you needed to climb big heights faster!  Height invited fear, doubt, worry.  Your footing slipped again and again.  Your focus strayed. You grip loosened!

You slipped over and over!  One moment — seemed like forever!  You thought you would tumble fast out of control. You were going out of “self-control” into “Love-control” — you felt disoriented — dislodged — like you were falling.  Suddenly — the rope tightened — the  feeling of tumbling stopped.  You hung secure, strong in your Harness — His Love — His Holy Spirit!

You learned His Love is strong beyond imagination. You grasped your Rope — His Word!  Surprise! — His Word is true — The Truth.  You looked seeing Jesus — your Guide, your Harness!  Jesus had secured your soul (body, mind, feelings, thoughts)!  Father God secured your spirit with His Spirit.  Quickly, yet timidly — you smiled at Jesus — He smiled at you!  Both of you laughed!  How calming, how nice!

Your journey resumed.  Today, now — you have learned you are wiser — you have the Wise Mind of Christ.  You have learned to go slower — careful — yet bold!  You are cautious, thoughtful — yet boldly confident.  Now you trust The Rope.  Now you rely on The Harness, your Guide.  Now — you see your Guide —  you know Him. You know He is always with you — always strong — always leading you.  You know He is alive inside you — able to keep you from falling.

Now you know you are His Strong Mountain.  You arrived at The Summit — He is The Summit.  There is no quitting!  Though your feelings of falling were great — His strength in you — your strength in Him — is far greater.  You always make it.  You are His Strong Mountain!  You live at The Summit.  You stand at The Top — His Highest Place.  Now you join in with all others who live at The Summit — singing His song — dancing His dance, laughing with Him — never falling!  Stakes are high — Loving God is Higher!

Blessings Flowing
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