Life is Full Beyond Your Dreams

“The Earth is the LORD’s and the fullness of it …”
(Psalms 24:1) 
     This amazing Earth and the fullness of it belongs to you — belongs to the LORD God Who created it — for you to enjoy!  He created this vast, changing Earth expecting you to live an abundant and satisfied life right here, right now!  He expects you to enjoy life to the fullest — and enjoy the fullness of this Earth!
God is not unhappy with the Earth!  He is never disturbed with Earth!  His goodness, His greatness is everywhere for you to experience everywhere you go.  It’s too easy for people to get stuck in the bad, desperate news — stuck in a rocky rut — doing and saying the same things the same ole negative way all the time.
But as you open wide your heart, your mind, yourself to new people, new experiences — new ideas — new thinking of Almighty God — you make big room in your heart, your mind — your life — for God to reveal Himself to you and work in mighty and different ways in your life.

     When you agree to stretch yourself —

1.    You open yourself up for God to increase your abilities, your horizons
2.    Your influence — increases in the world around you
3.    This day, this week, make the decision to explore something new
4.    Take a different route home from work
5.    Spend 2 hours less on your computer, or phone each day 
5.    Eat something new on the menu at lunch or dinner
6.    Open yourself to new people who may not necessarily look like you — 
       act like you — think like you — or talk like you — or dress like you
7.    Agree — Almighty God directs and broadens your horizons
8.    Agree — new opportunities grow and stretch you — helping you live 
       the fullest, satisfied life the LORD expects for you
9.    Praise Almighty God now — He is increasing Jesus now — 
       and increasing you in Him — now
     As you keep open wide your heart, your mind to God today — expect Him, require Him, thank Him to help you broaden your perspective.  He gives you glorious courage to step out of your comfort zone, your routine — so you can experience the fullest life He has for you.
We are all in God’s final stages of the end of the times as they have been — we are all in His Glory Pouring — end times harvest!  Now, increase sowing every seed you sow — increase spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially — increasing Jesus!  God is increasing you in Jesus far beyond your dreams — now!
This Earth and life is full for you to enjoy far beyond your dreams — filled to the full for you to sow and to increase in Him all over the place!
This is your Earth place — for you to enjoy — now!
In Jesus’ Name,
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