Everything New – Glory to GOD!

“He Who was seated on the throne said,
‘I am making everything new!’…”

(Revelations 21:5)

Everything, every day, is made new!  This is so amazing!  Nothing stays the same — except God!  As you remember the time when you first discovered a lost hair, or a first gray hair on your head — you thought, “Where did this come from?”  Or, you remember a past big dream in your heart?

Maybe, some while back, you were determined to excel in your career — or be the greatest parent — or maybe you committed to focus on deepening your walk with the LORD.  Great enthusiasm got you started — but things got a little difficult!  Things didn’t happen as quickly or as easily as you would have thought.  Too often when things don’t go just as someone plans, people decide —

     1.   I’ll just settle in right here
     2.   This is not exactly what I wanted, but at least it’s good enough
     3.   I probably was too unrealistic with my dreams, my plans
     4.   I have a good life — that’s good enough

Beloved, today, right now — is a new season — every new day!  Recognize — you were made for far more than “good enough.”  You were made to gloriously give great love, honor, and glory to God!  God created you to give great love to Him — to others — and to yourself!  You were created by LORD God Almighty — made to excel, to increase, to develop — to rise higher and higher.

Let’s you and I take a big, amazing step of faith together this new day, this New Year.  Let’s embrace all the new life of God’s Glory He is pouring on this Earth now!  LORD God Almighty is giving you the most precious new, today — for you to live and be happy!  Christ never offers only new life in eternity — He offers you new life every day here on Earth.  Today, you are stronger — your thinking is renewed by this amazing Word of God — you are “renewed minded” over yesterday!  Pick up those dreams — plans — ideas — desires in your heart that He gave you!  Determine now, at all costs, He will see you through in them!

This is your new blessed, glorious day — your New Year He is giving you!  Everyday — is your opportunity, your new day to begin again — to praise God He is raising you higher — making everything new in your mind, your heart, your thinking, your talk, your body, your emotions — your finances — your most blessed life!

Beloved, God alone brings to pass, fulfills every desire that He puts in your heart!  Look around — Almighty God sits on His Throne — joyfully, boldly lives in you — and He fully expects to make everything new, every new day — just for you!

   Doesn’t this just make you shout “Glory to God”! 

In Jesus’ Name,
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