Today’s Scripture
“I am now controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit.
That law gives me life because of what Christ Jesus has done. It has set me free from the law of sin that brings death” (Romans 8:2) Victorious Life Dear One,
God’s victorious Wise Mind Life of Divine Healing controlled in Jesus are your thoughts, your ways — God’s Life — His thoughts in you! Do you hear the clamor of condemnation? Do you fear losing God’s Love, fear losing Health — Approval — Finances — Peace — Joy? Not God’s thoughts! Not your thoughts! God says “There is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus … who walk by the life-giving Spirit” (Romans 8:1; John 3:18)! Do you walk, live by, in God’s life-giving Spirit? Yes! Are you in Christ Jesus? Yes! Absolutely — you have Jesus in your heart! Beloved, you’re not the sick trying to get well! You are the well trying to be made sick! Love-Grace-Forgiveness-Healing are God’s thoughts in Christ — in you! Yes! God exalted Jesus! Jesus went to God’s highest place in the universe. He took you with Him! You are seated with Jesus on High Victory Ground! Yes! Now stay seated! “Jesus is Victory!” Jesus stays seated at God’s “Victory” party! Never again confess God’s Word to get victory. Never fight to reach victory! Done! Say, “I forever have Jesus’ Spirit fused into my spirit! I have Victory! I am His Victory! We are having our “Victory Party” Yes! God really did say — “You are My Beloved Holy CHAMPION Victorious child. This is your Victorious Life!” In Jesus’ Name,
Psalms 5:1; 17:3; 19:14; 32:2; 57:1; 92:4; 119:97; 139:17 |