Today’s Scripture
“Did God really say…?”
(Genesis 3:1) Say What? Dear One,
Satan spoke through a serpent to Eve lying, saying — “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” Say What? God never said that! Beloved, first lie, first fear, first mistake — Eve listened! Second mistake — Eve doubted. Third mistake — Eve talked! Fourth mistake — Eve acted (ate)! Fifth mistake — Adam acted (ate)! Sixth mistake — Adam feared! Seventh mistake — Adam hid! The completed “fear” cycle began! Eve and Adam never thought about doubting God! Understand! God said — “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when you eat from it, you will certainly die (Genesis 2:16,17)! Satan offered Eve a big “Fear-Doubt-Stinkin-Thinkin” Party invitation! Satan suggested, misquoted God’s Word to Eve’s mind to think she doubted God by saying “Did God really say?” And then the devil went on misquoting God saying — “You surely won’t die …” (Genesis 3:4). “Eve listened — took the ”Doubt” Party invitation, went to the party — talked (explained God … wanting wisdom)! Then Eve acted (ate) on what she heard!” Right there, Eve left God’s “Garden of Eden” Party to go to Satans “Fear-Doubt-Stinkin-Thinkin” party! Say what? Yes! Satan thoughts, his parties, are never your thoughts, your parties! Say so! Because of Jesus — you now have the Wise Mind of Christ! Your Wise Mind of Christ thinks only Wise Mind of Christ thoughts. Done! Yes Beloved, you can stop going to the “Doubt-Stinkin-Thinkin-Talkin-Explaining-Spinning your Wheels” “Fear” parties! That’s a big Party Beloved! Because of Jesus, you are God’s Beloved Healed Free! Done! Say so from your Wise Mind of Christ! You no longer have to be so smart thinking on your own! Demons of hell are always trying to invite you to their “Doubt-Fear-Stinkin-Thinkin” Parties! Are you invited to believe you are thinking Satan’s condemning, twisted, fearful, doubt, hating thoughts? Yes! Doubt, fear, failure, condemnation, weakness, sick, twisted thoughts — are not your thoughts! They are Satans “Say What?” thoughts! In Jesus’ Name,