Pick Wild Love Fruit –
(Rich healthiest Faith-Food)
“For just as by one man’s disobedience (failing to hear, heedlessness, and carelessness) the many were constituted sinners, so by one Man’s obedience the many will be constituted righteous (made acceptable to God, brought into right standing with Him)” (Romans 5:19)
Yes! Pick God’s Wild Love Word-Fruit! Sinners are not sinners because they sin. Sinners became sinners because of one man’s (Adam) disobedience (failing to hear, heedlessness, carelessness). But then, by Jesus’ obedience sinners were made righteous (approved, in right standing with God)! Romans 5 is your Wild Love-Righteous-Forgiveness Scripture! Done!
Jesus Forgiveness is a lifetime digestion! Yes! Jesus came in Wild Love! HE took your sin — became your sin! This is Wild Love as it gets! You trying to work out not sinning, live out the Fruits of the Spirit — never works!
Satan condemns! — saying all you say or do is never enough. You pray 2 Scriptures! Others pray 8. The devil wants your focus on you, off Jesus! What can you do to make yourself approved? Nothing! You already are! God says — “JESUS Wild Love approved you! He brought you into right standing with Me” (my paraphrase)! (Romans 5:19). Done!
Satan tries to keep you occupied with self. Tries to strike doubt saying — “Are you sure, surely not?” Beloved, God says every part of you belongs to Christ (Love) (what Jesus thinks, says, did, does). Yes! God owns you! Looking to LORD God keeps your focus to Jesus, His Love, The Cross — off you.
1. Not one thing can you do on your own to undo the fact you were once a sinner by Adam’s failure, carelessness (Romans 5:19)! You fall in morning! By afternoon you’re still trying to get yourself back up on your own! Wrong picture. Your strength is never the way! God’s strength Way through you is The (only) Way
2. Agree, rest (trust)! “By Jesus — His Wild Love-Grace, His Forgiveness, He forever made you approved — in right standing with God).” Yes, forever approved! Jesus is God’s Way! Simple! Done! Stop working your own works
Say today — “Father God, I can’t do this on my own! LORD, You do all things through me.” Beloved, in Jesus, you are Almighty God’s Fruit of His Spirit — soaring like an eagle — soaked in Jesus — soaked in His Love-Grace, His Forgiveness, His Joy-Peace Fruits! Fresh, new ripe! God is smiling! Soar with Him, in Him! Pick Wild Love Fruit!
In Jesus’ Name,