Dear One,
A Canaanite woman desperately wanted healing for her demon-possessed daughter! She went to Jesus (Matthew 15:22–28). She had heard He healed, He did miracles among the Jews! Right off, this precious woman pretended to be Jewish saying — “O LORD, Son of David!” (Only Jews called Jesus the “Son of David”). Jesus was silent! His silence prompted this sincere Beloved woman to lay aside her self pretenses saying —“LORD, help me!”
Yes, you too are God’s Beloved! Now get up out from under The Masters Banquet Table! Recognize your seat with Him! He already knows what you need! Lean into His forever unfailing, unconditional Wild Love-Grace! Leave fear, pretense under the table! You have every blessing of Love you need from Him. You already deserve all God has for you. He is your LORD Almighty — your good Father God! No loved child begs their father or mother for anything?
Fears, pretenses hold you off from love! When Jesus said — “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs” — Jesus was making a way for this Gentile woman to have His Love, her miracle, her blessings! Being called a “dog” might offend some. But the Greek word translation for “dog” used here by Jesus means “puppy”! Jews then considered Gentiles “puppies”.
This is said with affection rather than offensively. This precious Gentile woman was not offended because she knew Jesus is Love, He had healing for her daughter! She knew even “puppies” get to eat what falls from their masters’ table. She thought the little crumbs under The Masters table, His Love was enough for a Gentile, a “little puppy”, like herself. Jesus was only saying He was called to the Jews first, not the Gentiles. Jesus wildly loved this Gentile woman. He wildly loved her demon-possessed daughter.
Jesus wildly loves you! Jesus gave His “way” of Love for both mother, daughter, you, me to have our miracle.
As this Canaanite, Gentile woman threw away fears, pretenses saying, “Son of David”, she sat down taking her rightful seat of Love! All she was to do — just lean into Jesus, His Wild Love-Grace, His compassion for her! That very hour her daughter was healed. Since God was willing to give His Love-Grace to this woman, how much more is He willing with you, His Beloved Royal Holy child!
Never depend on yourself to have a miracle! Just sit smiling with God, with His Wild Love-Grace Jesus at The Masters Table. God freely delivered Jesus up for you — “how shall He not with Him also freely give you all things”? (Romans 8:32)