Today’s Scripture

“Yet to all who did receive Him (Jesus),
to those who believed in His Name,
He gave the right (privilege) to become children of God”

(John 1:12)


     I must ask — “How are you thinking, talking ?  How are you living ?”  Do you know your rights (privileges)?  God’s Wisdom is accelerating now —

 1.   Wandering Wilderness, “Slavery”
“Grasshopper” mentality talkers say
“These are hard, difficult days — I’ll never make it”

2.   “Promised Land” mentality talkers say —
“I am victorious despite everything going on around me,
despite everything going on in the world”

3.   Great “I AM” Almighty Good God talkers say —
“These are my rights (privileges) — my LOVE Filled —
Glory to Glory days — Most Blessed Days …
Good God Almighty has already taken me through —
I am His Most Blessed Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child”

John 1:12 says — “Yet to all who did receive Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right (privilege) to become children of God.”

Yes Beloved — You are forever Almighty God’s chosen HIS — forever Beloved Royal CHAMPION Holy child.

Only think — what would happen — should just one generation of Christians think, talk — living Father God’s extravagant LOVE — talking His Great Inheritance Blessings for them — living in their rights (privileges) —

 1.  Hurting, lonely, sick, struggling people would “see”
GODS extravagant LOVE — take great comfort in
Good God Almighty — never take part in others
negative, strange ways

2.  Suffering, hurting families, children would spend their
time BLESSING God — Praise Praying together —
spend no time fighting, angry, condemning — yelling at each other

3.  Grown adult children would live thinking, loving,
caring for their aging mother or father as a God Blessing —
never a burdensome hardship

4.  Husbands and wives would stop talking mean —
talking crazy to each other — they would start talking LOVE —
talking appreciation for each other — keeping Good God Almighty First

5.  Jails, prisons, mental wards, hospitals would empty — patients,
residents would stop talking about their diseases, sickness’ —
they would be talking about — living their healings in Good
God Almighty’s forever Healing LOVE 

These God CHAMPION Ways of living, talking — is not a utopia way —
these ways are your Almighty God given rights (privileges)

“Yet to all who did receive Him (Jesus),
to those who believed in His Name,
He gave the right (privilege) to become children of God”

(John 1:12)
In Jesus’ Name,
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