Unlimited Chances
(Healthiest Faith-Food)

“this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth to those things which are before”
                      Philippians 3:13

     Have you ever thought you need, or want a fresh start?  Some people think by going to a new different house, bigger city, warmer state, or different country they start fresh, erase their past hurts or failures.  Sadly, this can never happen. Why?  Because you take you with you wherever you go, with same wrong attitudes, same habits — same wrong thinking — same hurts — same wrong talk!  Past ways of doing, thinking, talking that never worked — guarantee continued unhappiness.

     Realize with me today, you never have to go anywhere to start over. You can stay right where you are — have more chances right smack dab in the midst of hurts, sorrows, grief’s — unhappiness! 

     The Bible is overflowing with stories of people who mis-stepped repeatedly, then were given chance after chance.  Jacob — an  Old Testament saint is a great example.  Jacob’s name means “deceiver”.  Jacob truly lived up to his name.  But Jacob had an encounter with the LORD that changed his life and name forever.  His changed life brought his new name — “Israel” (Genesis 32:24–28)

     Moses is another example.  Moses determined to deliver the children of Israel from bondage — Moses got ahead of God!  First, Moses killed an Egyptian, fled Egypt — escaping to Midian (Exodus 2:11–15).  God gave Moses another chance!  Moses, with Aaron’s help — with God — delivered the children of Israel out of Pharaohs hands.

     Many miss, mess up things — even in zeal to follow God!  As with Jacob, Moses — God always makes you another chance.  Some people think God is a three chance God, then you are out! No! Almighty God is un-limited Almighty God, always looking at your heart with His un-limited Sweet Eyes of Love!  He is wildly alive, living inside your spirit, prepared to give you all the chances needed!  His Divine Nature is capable, willing — to deal with you over and over and over.

     Sadly, people set themselves in a trench of grasshopper failure mentality — continually making excuses for why they missed it, thinking they failed — Beloved there is no failure in Christ!  

         1.   Some play the “blame game” on others — government — weather — environment — lack of money, education.  This blame goes on and on, never understanding Satan suggested blame to their thinking, talk, attitudes, actions — trying to keep God at arms length from helping.  How about “seeing” God inside your spirit victorious?

         2.   Another “blame game” devil way is saying — “If only I lived in a different town.”  “If only I had a family who weren’t poor.”  “If only I had a good education.” Beloved — “if only” and “I” points a long, sad shriveled finger at self in all the “if onlys” and “I’s” in life, never changes anything, any situation.  Keeps focus off God — on self! 

     You see, when you “see” Jesus, you really want to do something with God!  You can — and you do it with Him in you, through you!  No matter where you live, what your name is, or how much money you do or don’t have — none of this has anything to do with your success.  The Truth is, with God’s Spirit alive, wildly living in your spirit, backing you — He accomplishes anything, everything through you (Philippians 4:13).  His unlimited chances are yours!

In Jesus’ Name,

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