Rejoice His Help

“Because You have been my Help,
therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice”

(Psalms 63:7)
     Remember God is Help, He doesn’t just have help!  People have said — “Pastor ROSE — please pray.  Because of me, there is no way out of this whole mess I’m in.  Now I can’t even know if God would hear me?”  Beloved, sometimes, we make a mess of troubles.  But we did have help! The devil enemy is always ready to help you make messes, troubles!  But God’s Love-Grace, His Mercy — His Favor — His amazing forgiving help — floods through your spirit, over your life!

Remember with me today — read the following Scripture correctly, praising God — “When the enemy comes in — like a flood the LORD raises up a standard.”  Almighty God is The Flood!  The enemy is not the flood!  God stays ready to be your tsunami flooding Help!  Jesus is alive — wildly living inside your spirit — flooding, flowing through your spirit, your life every day!

God is Help! He is far far able, willing to always be your Help as your LORD God Almighty — with Jesus, your Savior!  He has forever forgiven you.  As you struggle with getting things to work, you are trying to be your own savior — your own god.  I can just hear God saying, smiling — “ROSE — when you think you don’t need My Help — need Me to save you — can you save yourself?”

Yes Beloved, I grew up hearing all the ole sayings — “God helps those who help themselves?”  This ole saying is not in the Bible!  God never helps those who help themselves.  He helps those who need Him, who need His Love-Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy! God is Help, helping those helpless, hopeless — completely depending on Him.  God expects you to look to Him as your only Source — to know He is your only hope of Help.  Today, you may be saying — but —

       1.   “ROSE — I am weak.”  God says — “Beloved, I AM your strength — right now you say you are strong.”

2.   “LORD — my body is fat — I’m so ugly.”   God says — “Beloved, I AM your glory, My face shines on you.”

3.   “LORD — I’m a nobody.”  God says — “Beloved, I HAVE made you somebody, My Beloved Royal Holy CHAMPION child in My Son Jesus — victorious over the world.”  “I love you!  I have forever forgiven you!”

4.   “LORD — I’m sick, I have done everything I know to get well.”  God says — “I AM your healing, rest in Me.”    

Today are you still going with thinking that helping yourself really is important — that you maybe can’t really depend on God?  I double dog dare you to ask God to show you Who He is — who you are in Him!  Say what God says about you, about all this with me today —  “Without Me, you can do nothing.”  “With Me all things are possible through Jesus” (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13)   Rejoice He doesn’t just have help — He is Help — your Help!