You Are
Through Christ

(Healthiest Faith-Food)

“As I Am, so are you in this world”
(1 John 4:17)

This is one of many most powerful things Jesus ever said!  Are you believing without Him — believing you can do things to help yourself?  Are you ready for God’s tsunami flooding His un-limited help all over your life?  Precious Beloved, God truly made you His Beloved Royal Holy CHAMPION child through Jesus!  Today, through Christ you can expect your Father God is your Help — to help you believe, help you truly trust Him — help you know Him — help you know yourself in Him — help you in every thing!

Let’s agree together today to rejoice with LORD God everything you do through Christ Who strengthens you is yours forever (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13).  Say with me today — “LORD God, because I “see” You are my Help again and again — I no longer can live a life without You as my Forgiver, my Help — richly alive, living in my spirit!”  Read Who God tells Job He is in Job 38-42!

Beloved, this is your glorious day, to say like Job — “I have heard about You, but now my eye sees You” (Job 42).  Job knew His LORD God Almighty!  Job had a personal deep revelation of God’s Love-Grace, Power, Forgiveness!  Then read 1 John 4:17!  Hear  Jesus saying — “As I Am, so are you in this world.” Now, go back read out loud each Scripture so your Wise Mind of Christ hears!

Whatever you need, all you need, Almighty God is your Great Provider — Great Help — Great Wild Faith — Great Love-Grace!  He is your LORD God Almighty, there is no other!  He is alive, living inside your spirit!

Today you can “see” Almighty God — “see” His amazing help — “see” His un-limited favor!  You can “see” Almighty God’s Spirit alive, living inside your spirit, keeping every evil from you, protecting you in His Love, Grace, Favor, Power!  Today, at all costs — smile with God, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice in the very shadow of God’s wings (Psalms 63:7) — because He is your Love-Grace your Great Help — through Jesus in you!

Today rest (trust) in Him alive in your spirit — this is your bubble bath, banana split, rejoicing, resting (trusting) day — enjoy (John 10:10)!  Yes, you are forever forgiven, forever alive, forever approved by God, forever richly loved by Almighty God — through Jesus (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13)!

In Jesus’ Name,

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