Alive Faith

“ … faith without works is dead”
(James 2:20)

Yes, your faith can be alive — or your faith can be dead?  There are so many people who are missing out on the loving, abundant rich life of God.  They do love God — but they aren’t sailing over obstacles or accomplishing their God-given dreams!  This is simply because they are putting little to no action behind their faith.  Simply put — their faith is dead — it is not active — it has no works!  And dead, no action faith never activates God’s power.
What can you do today to keep your faith alive?  It doesn’t have to be something big or over the top.  Just simply obey (agree and act) with God by doing your very best!  This keeps your faith alive and developing.
When you go to work every day — give it 150% plus, plus — now you are demonstrating your faith in God’s amazing faith.  Sometimes just turning that frown upside down — putting a smile on your face, and joy in your voice when you feel really discouraged — puts live action behind your faith.
Just taking time to call a loving ministry for prayer and praises to God to sow your seeds of love and finances — or going to church — that’s faith in high action that is alive.  Love yourself today by sowing your faith and remember —

     1.    Faith in action activates God’s great power
     2.    Faith in action keeps open the doors for God to move on your behalf
     3.    With faith that is alive — you rise up higher 
     4.    Alive, amazing active faith sails over obstacles
     5.    Active faith keeps taking you forward in the abundant rich life
God has for you

     6.   Thank God — praise Him for His rich love and Word that are life breath
to your mind, body, thinking, health — joy and peace to your spirit

     7.   Expect — require God to show you His ways to put
your faith in high action

Thank God today — praise Him all day today that He orders, He guides your every step — and He keeps you close to Him so that everything you do brings honor and glory to Him — and He brings you richest blessings of finances, joy and peace.
It pleases God to prosper you — spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially — His amazing faith is alive — acting at all times on your behalf —

In Jesus’ Name,
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