SPEAK — feed your mind each specific POWER WORDS Scripture to think on all week lIn the tongue is power of Life and Blessings — Death and Curses! You can have — you do have whatever you say. — Begin first thing each day speaking out loud God’s Power — His Love, His Life, His Blessings — His Word. Speak out loud your righteousness — your right-standing with Almighty LORD God — Your mind hears His words as you speak — becomes renewed. Faith comes — as you hear God’s words you speak — Righteous Thank You God — “The path of righteous people is like the light of dawn that becomes brighter and brighter until it reaches midday” (Proverbs 4:18) Yes LORD, I speak — I am Your righteous. Today, I live happy, gloriously glowing with Your Light; the longer I live the brighter I shine. You make me shine as the light of dawn — brighter, clearer. Your path is my path that shines in full strength and glory (Proverbs 4:18). Every challenge — every obstacle — bows to Your Sons Name — The Name above all names. Today, I speak, I understand — I am Your light of the world. A city set on a hill that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). Your love and Word, keep me in Your right perspective — living in amazing faith — blameless, innocent, uncontaminated. I go from victory to victory, glory to glory — seen as Your bright light (a star or beacon shining out clearly) in the [dark] world (Philippians 2:15). You make any challenge seeming too big — too overwhelming — bow to The Name of Jesus. I refuse to make a catastrophe out of my day — or romanticize my past. As Your holy Beloved, Your most blessed — I am Your extra-ordinary child — never ordinary or average. I am exceptional (Psalms 139). Before You formed my body in my mothers womb — You created my spirit, breathing into me Your life breath, giving me Your blessings. The enemy can no longer succeed at using difficulties, trials, doubts of the world offering me invitations to defeat parties. I answer only Your Invitation LORD — Your exceptional Good News — that You love me, protect me, richly provide for me. — You are my Exceptional LORD God! I only answer Your Invitation to attend Your victory party LORD. Your exceptional grace, wisdom — exceptional favor pour over me every day as Your Beloved Righteous! You dawn on me like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning (2 Samuel 23:4). I am your righteous becoming brighter, brighter, brighter. BLESSINGS POURING –
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ROSE Ministries / CHAMPION Way Farms
Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310